Chapter 2: The Change

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Chapter 2

I woke up at 6 am so I tiptoe out of bed and over to my bag and grab my sweat pants and a tank top. I walk to the bathroom I get dressed and put on my socks and tennis shoes and walks out of the bathroom as quietly as I can. I quickly write everyone a note telling everyone that I went to work out at the gym across the street. I walk out the door heading toward the gym. Once I'm at the gym I tell them that I'm with WOW and that the owner pays for the gym memberships but they just continued to argue with me. When I'm about to leave I hear a deep husk masculine voice say," She's with me."

I turn and look at the person who just talked and guess who I see Rocco. He walks up and stands right next to me.

"sorry Mr. Paulson I didn't know that she was with you we just don't want anyone taking advantage of the free gym service that we provide you and your wrestlers at WOW," the desk clerk said feeling sheepish.

I was given a pass to the gym I snatched the pass out of the clerks hand and stalk off. I got to the locker room with my bag I place my stuff in the locker that they gave me. I grab my music phone and hook it on my iPod armband and I put my formfitting ear buds in my ears and I walk over to the treadmill and start getting it setup so I can't run for about 30 minutes but from the corner of my eye I see a masculine figure climbs onto the treadmill next to me. I look over to see who it was and it was someone I really didn't want to see already this morning and I've already seen him twice now. I sigh and go back to what I was doing when Rocco taps me on the shoulder. I look at him with a questioning look.

"What do you want Rocco you saved my ass and now you want to come in here and take away my joy of being alone because you want to talk," I said irritated.

"Well I see you're not a morning person. I didn't know that you didn't like being around me," he said disappointed.

"I'm sorry but the gym has always been my escape from reality and my screwed up life. I'm not use to having someone wanting to workout with me. It's not that I don't want to talk to you it's just I'm not having a really good morning and I took it out on you and I'm really sorry," I said feeling guilty.

"We haven't talked much so please tell me more about yourself, like about how it was growing up for you and why working out was your escape from your life. And what in your life was so bad that you tried to block out."

"You really want to know about my life and where I came from. Alright here is my life the short and the not so sweet story. I grew up wanting to be a professional wrestler and when I told my dad what I wanted to do he started training me when I was only 5 years old. I worked as hard as I could and knew every type of wrestling there is. I wanted to make my dad proud of me. When I was in middle school I got into the school wrestling program and won every match. My freshmen year of high school I was in class when the principle came in and told me that my dad died of a heart attack. That was the day I gave up my dream of becoming a professional wrestler for a very long time. That day was the day I moved in with my mother who can't stand me. She has always been jealous of me. When my mom got pregnant with me she was just starting her career as a lawyer and she didn't even want me I was cramping her style. She was going to get an abortion but my father talked her out of it. She was jealous and hated me because my dad loved me more and that he wouldn't marry her. So my mother was never nice to me she treated me like shit. Whenever she was home I would go down to the gym that was in our building. I would work out for hours on end or I would swim in the pool until she was asleep or until she left. Normally she would just avoid me if I wasn't avoiding her. She would leave for work at 6 am before I came out of my room for school and she wouldn't come back until 10 or 11pm when I'm in bed. Then one day my senior year some kid in my gym class jumped on my back and I flipped him over my head and he landed hard on his back so I was expelled 2 months before graduation. My mother called that night screaming at me telling me I was a fuck up and that I had a week to pack my shit and get the hell out of her house. I also found out that night that I had a trust fund and she could take money out for my living expenses but she wasn't going to give me a dime. Than the person that my mother hired to watch me told me that she had a big house in California and I could live with her. So I moved to California with Ralaina, Justice and Xander. Than a week later I was told that there were tryouts to become a professional wrestler with UEW. Everyone told me that I should tryout I didn't think I should but everyone told me that is what my dad would have wanted. So I took the chance and went through the rounds being their first pick on the final day they came up to me and told me because of my indiscretions I was disqualified but I had no idea what they were talking about until last night when Ryan told me why. My supposed friend Xander screwed me over by telling the trainer that I had sex with the other male trainers throughout each round. I have never cheated to get what I want plus I'm a virgin so how the hell did I have sex with them. So there now you know everything about me. Now are you going to feel sorry for poor little Lyleona. I don't want your pity I don't want anyone's pity."

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