Chapter 85.

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Suvarna's POV.

Puffs of steam engulfed me wrapping me in a warm misty blanket. The bubbles in front of me, the sound of running water, under normal circumstances these would have soothed my tired body and overworked mind..

But not today.

Ever since I had realised there was a device fitted inside me nothing could sooth me or relax me.

Shishir had come up with a great plan and announced loudly while sitting near me "Oh my God Suvi, you are running a high temperature."

A brilliant plan indeed as this allowed me to keep quite most of the time and I could interact with sign language or simple text or write.

The others took care to talk casually around me and once in a while mention how ill I am right now.

Good for the case.

But what about me?

I feel so - so -violated! Almost like I am not a human being, but a commodity or property that has been trespassed.

Every little thing I do is not little or simple any more. Every morsel of food I chewed felt like a tight knot while swallowing, heavy with the thought that somewhere unknown people would know I am eating.

Daily routine seemed like a torturous act. Answering nature's call could no longer be a private deed. Each time my hand would reach out to flush, humiliating tears would form in my eyes knowing the sound would reach unwanted and unintended ears telling them about what I have been doing right now.

Taking a shower or soaking in a hot bathtub made me feel vulnerable and I would end up stopping halfway and get dressed in record speed.

I do not want to relay a live audio narration of my most private actions.

Supposing there were pervert minds who were listening?

A shiver of disgust ran through me. Each time this thought occurred I would cringe inwardly and hot humiliating tears would pour down my cheeks

At this point the feeling of disgust overruled any other feeling, including fear for life.

I want this device- whatever it was out of me.

The sudden surge of soft heat brought my attention to the almost full bathtub in front of me. I longed to sooth my tired limbs but once again I did not have it in me to overlook the fact that it would be easily to the ones monitoring me.

Anger bubbled within me and I unplugged the bathtub with more force than required and watched helplessly as the water gurgled into the drain.

Biting onto my lip I forcefully stopped the sob that was wanting to come out of me.


Shravan's voice and the soft knock on the bathroom door calmed me for a moment.

Pulling in a long breath I tried to dissolve the sob within me and quietly moved towards the door and opened it.

His eyes roamed my face and from the tightening of his jaw I knew my feelings were not lost on him. For his sake I tried to smile and just shrugged my shoulder trying to tell him that it was niot really a big deal.

His gaze narrowed and he looked away. I could never really fake my pain in front of him without him realising.

Thankfully he did not push the matter and just nodded and gestured me towards the bed. A tray lay there with my lunch.

Before I could say anything Shishir said something most unexpected.

"I know you love to watch the daily soaps on television. Let me put it on for you."

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