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    Empty, There's so many words to describe the word but the only one that can describe my feeling is emptiness. I can't even bring myself to cry over my deceased father. My father. My only friend. 'Why'd you have to leave me? Why'd you let them take me?' With a longing sigh I lean back in the small space I have. I can feel those around me moving around anxiously, some even crying. I wish I can bring myself to cry. To fit In with these people who miss their family but I can't. I can only sit here and wait. Wait for whatever comes next....There was then creaking sound from the large metal doors, gasps are then let out of the people around me. The metals door open and a figure appears from the bright lights.

"So.." a deep voice echoed through the silent room. "Where is this new boy in the midst of you all." The group departs and leaves me in the middle of the circle. A groan is heard as I then looked up the man was a greenish blue and reeked of the smell of alcohol.

"He will do.." he grabs me by my collar and drags me away closing the metal doors behind us. I struggled hoping this was all just a bad dream and that my father would wake me up and comfort me from this awful nightmare. As I am thinking of my father we enter a small room with three women that look like robots inside.

"I want him looking presentable you hear me!" The man screamed at the robots. The robots look at me and then at him together they put one hand on me and pulled me to a seat. One of the robots began by preparing a bath, as the others examined my cuts and bruises.

"Sister bring out the healer." The one robot girl says to the other, and the other turns around and opens a drawer revealing a glowing weapon. I screamed trying to escape my chair, but they then had me bound. The other put the "healer" against my wound and with shock the wounds were gone.

"What is this place?" I asked the main leader of the robot girls. She blinked once or twice it seemed and then replied "you've been purchased as a gift." She said with no emotion as she then took me to the bath were the others stripped me down preparing for the bath.

The water was warm. Like the baths dad would prepare for me. There's was then a buzz which snapped me out of my illusion pain bristled up my arm as I then realized the tattoo of a bar code. "What is the that!?" i said moving my arm away from them trying to rub it off.

"It's your identification code." The robots say together. I begin to panic "Am I a slave!?"

"Well of course." A voice is heard behind me. "Who are you." I screamed struggling to get up.

"Your new owner of course."  The voice gets closer. "Owner?!" I stumbled on my words.

"Why yes Damien if that's what they call you." They dark figure is now in front of me. "Who's are you!!" A  beam flashes down onto my body, where I was now dressed with linens.

"Now. It's time for you to learn." The figure steps out  into the light of which the man is purple, with a rough scar streamed down onto his cheek.

"Who are you..." I shakely ask.

"My name is Zorac, I am your master now."

4 Years Later....

    I wake up gasping for air..the same nightmare of my past. I sat up on my rugged bed and put on my black leather jacket covering up my noticable scars on my arms.

"Mr. Damien.." a robotic voice is heard. "What is it Jerold." I say as I brush out the noticable bed head. "Breakfast is ready" Jerold says and swoops up next to me ejecting toast from the top of his metal head. "Thanks.." I say in a grongy tone, shoving the toast into my mouth. "Sir, your acting relitively strange this morning." Jerold says In his curious tone. " I'm fine." I then get up heading to the metal door, opening it and slamming it behind me. "I'm sorry Jerold..." I say under my breath as I then head to my ship.

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