A Old Friend

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As I headed towards my ship my mind begins to wander into a distinct past of pushed back memories.

"Damien! you have broken 10 of your masters china! your punishment...getting whipped.." the memory blurred as a young Damien screamed for help. My senses snapped back to realization when my head hits a metal object the wing of my ship.

"Home sweet home" I rub my hand on the vibrant purple ship

"Such a beauty" a voice is heard behind me. I jump and swing around almost decking the mysterious person behind me. They catch my hand before I realize who it was

"Now Damien is that anyway to treat an old friend?" I gasp

"Casper is that really you?" I look in awe at how much shes changed.

"Of course Damien I was the one that helped you escape remember?" she puts her hand on the ship

"I see the ship doesnt have a single scratch." I snicker

"Of course Im the best pilot." I puff up my chest to make me appear more masculine. She rolls her eyes.

"So where you headin?" She takes her hand off the ship and crosses her arms. I looked at her then away.

"I overheard word that Zorac's minions are on their way here," I pause, "I just really dont want another family reunion." Casper again rolls her eyes.

"Of course Damien we wouldnt want another situation." she snickers.

"Excuse me?" I say confused.

"We dont need you going and killing anymore of Zoracs minions." she says in a flat tone.

"HEY! they had it coming they kept touching me." I shiver.

"You killed 20 people Damien!" she frails her arms.

I cross my arms and pout my lips "Like I said they had it coming." trying to act innocent.

By the stern look on her face she wasnt buying it.

"Whatever." she says and begins to walk off.

"Wait your going to yell at me and then leave?!" I scream at her as she screams back

"YEP!" popping the P.

I roll my eyes and unlock my ship beginning to prep to head to my new destination.

A Few hours later.

Something hits me on the head as I was taking a nap on my crates, I wake up.

"What in tarnation?" I rub my eyes realizing its Casper. "Oh...its you." I close my eyes pretending to fall back asleep.

"WAKE UP ASSHOLE!" she smakes another can looking object on my head.

"OW!" I rub my head "What was that for!?" I begin to act like im about to cry.

"Oh shut it you should be used to the pain by now." she collects to objects that she threw at me and then handed me the bag. "Your going to need this for your travels."

"Thaaaaanks..." I say grabbing the bag. "What is this exactly?"

"Raw fish." she grins and turns on her heel heading back to where she came from.

"BUT I HATE FISH!" I growled in disgust.

"Suck it up buttercup!" she yells back at me and then vanishes into thin air.

Annoyed I toss the raw fish cans into the distance, finishing up with the rest of the packing before I departed for Zaphoran.

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