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    I sat criss-cross on my sofa quietly watching my frustrated friends yell at each other, attempting to distract one another from winning the round of Mario Kart. I checked my phone as it vibrated in my palm. I picked it up in a normal comfy position before typing in my password and I glanced at the notification at the top of my screen. It was from snapchat, it said that someone added me then even went out of the way to text me. I got on the app then swiped right to see what the person had written me. Before I was able to read what the mysterious individual typed, I was startled by my friends screaming at the top of their lungs. One was in defeat and the other was in victory.

Red:  Sup Sexy Momma

Y/n: Who the hell are you??

Red: Do you not realize who I am?

Y/n: No, should I recognize you?

Red: Well duh, I’m your soulmate.

Snap opened

I closed my snapchat and then turned to the two people who were still sitting on my floor. I had thought it was time for them to get out of the house as they looked if they were to play one more round of Mario Kart they would explode. I stood up and cleared my throat as a way to catch their attention. I put my phone in my pocket and then walked over to them.

    “Okay you pain in my asses, how about we all get out of the house and actually go do stuff.” I crossed my arms as they both laid on the floor and let out a loud groan slowly turning into screams.

    “Well you two ate all the food so we need to go get more, I say we watch to the store and just pick up some snacks and things we need for roughly the next week.” I said before attempting to pull them off of the ground. They eventually decided I was right and got up. We all walked to the door getting on some shoes and left, not even decided to get out of our pajamas. We were only right up the street so it wasn’t that long before we got there. We walked in and got some snacks along for the food we would need for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for roughly the next two weeks. It was only about a half an hour before we all luggage home around thirty bags of food. It was only fifteen minutes from then did we get home then about another thirty minutes putting food away and making a small lunch.

We all sat at the table with a plate in our hands. We had made whatever we felt like as for me it was a chicken quesadilla. We were talking and laughing before my phone decided to go off. I sighed and pulled it out, seeing it was another text from that ‘Red’. I decided to open it and read what he had to say as it amused me.

Red: Hey

Red: Hi

Red: Hello??

Red: I am triggered you aren’t answering me

Red: come on

Red: I’m sorry about earlier

Red: I was just messing around

Y/n: Can you not??

Red: Can I not what?

Red: Be sexy??

Y/n: No

Y/n: Can you not text me

Red: y tho?

Y/n: How about the reason that I don’t know you?

Red: Well does that mean you want to get to know me?

    It took me a second to think about what I wanted to type. Which was weird as I already knew the answer.

Y/n is typing…….

Y/n: No, I would not like to get to know you.

Red: That isn’t going to stop me from trying

Y/n: I could block you, you know that right?

Red: Then why haven’t you yet, hmm???

Snap Opened

    I ignored my friends comments about how I was texting someone ‘Special’, oh he is special alright. I rolled my eyes as I kept eating. I was soon disappointed to see that all my food was gone and got up to put my dish in the dishwasher. I couldn’t help but feel bad for treating ‘Red’ like crap, but then I realized that it was just some random person texting me. I waiting for my friends to finishing eating before we decided to go somewhere else for the day. We all decided we were gonna go get some new clothes and mess around at the mall.

When we arrived home a couple hours we all went to our rooms and put our new clothes and other things away. I had made the decision to take a nap even though it was around nine at night. I told the others before going back to my bed, changing into the comfier clothes, and laying down falling into a deep slumber. I was in a peaceful sleep until my phone decided to go off with its loud ringer. I groaned and I didn’t answer it until after a couple of rings later. I turned around and slammed my hand on my phone picking it up. I had powered it on seeing that it was 5 in the morning.I opened my phone seeing a snapchat from ‘Red’. I swiped right and looked at the chat ready to scream at whoever this person thought they were.

Red: Why?

Red: I am honestly confused why

Red: Like really?

Y/n: Why what?

Red: Why have you not blocked my yet? And since you haven’t why haven’t you been texting me?

Y/n: Because as I said yesterday I don’t know you and I don’t want to get to know you. You could be an old man trying to get some pantie shots. So now if I can go back to sleeping that would be great.

Red: That was the answer to one of my questions, what about the other one??

Snap Opened

Red: Hmmm?

Snap Opened

Red: Okay I see you, Goodnight honey bun.

Snap Opened

Snapchat//RedVacktor x Reader (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now