Billionare's Intention : Chapter One

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"Lilah !"  I hear mum call  my name as she walks  across the halls of the mansion
"Lilah! "

She slightly pushes my bedroom door , and walks in with a smile on her face .

Something in me tells me she wasn't happy and that  she was pretending  to be , and apart from my feelings were the time I caught her crying in her room .

"Are you okay ? " she asks , as she takes a seat on my pink princess bed , her eyes were a bit watery , so I guessed she must have been crying again .

"Yeah , just scared " I say truthfully as I gently close my art journal , and pay more attention to the conversation I was having now ,

"I understand Lilah , but you just have to be strong " she says , wearing another fake smile , placing her nervous hands on mine

"soon it will be all over "

"Mum ! " I anxiously say , just before she stand up from my bed ,

"Yes honey " she replies , with a concerned smile

"Do you miss Tyler and Mia ? " I asks as the , tears in my eyes began to fall out .

"Of course I do honey"

" why wouldn't I "she says giggling , she was obviously trying to be strong for me , but I could see the pain in her eyes ad she spoke

She softly wipes away the dry tears from my face , and smiles once again ,

before standing up ,

" sleep tight Lilah " she says , kissing my temple , and brushing her loving hands through my strawberry scented  hazel hair .

"Good night mum "I greet , once again after tucking my self properly to my sleeping position ,

I look up to her and see her smile once more before she gently shuts the door leaving me in great thoughts .

June 4th 2001 ,was one of my life changing days ,

Maybe because it was the day I lost my big brother Tyler, it was about ten years ago.

No one really knew the true cause of his death, but we all decided to go with what the detective told us , and that was he died from poison .

Apparently , that day he ate some vanilla flavored ice cream and , started emitting blood from his nostrils and before he could even get to the hospital ,

He died in the ambulance, obviously mum and dad didn't take it easy at all ,

Mostly dad since he sued the private  middle school , and also charged the cafeteria lady to court for poisoning Tyler ,

But the school got of the hook , since  the other student who ate ice cream didn't die .

And I guess , dad couldn't press charges against the school based on that since they had a lot of evidence to prove their innocence .

I'm guessing that is why I and Mia, were home schooled .

But if you ask me , I wouldn't say Tyler's death was just an accident or coincidence like Detective John and the rest of the investigation team says ,

I just think , it is  kinda strange and scary for only Tyler to die from that ice cream ,

Maybe it was a coincidence ,  maybe it was not , I just feel that Tyler's death was more of a targeted death than an accident .

Three years after Tyler's death , and it seemed like everything was getting back to normal , no more continuous investigation , tears , worries .

And we even started , living like the happy family we use to be .

Then grandma Evans passed on , but to people it wasn't more of a surprise , since she was suffering from cancer ,

Of course dad , aunty Cassy were still bumped about it, even till now .

I knew that grandma Evans death , couldn't be just "normal ",there was someone behind it ,

Someone behind the scary notes , sent to mum , someone behind my constant nightmares .

And the death of Mia , my twin sister proved it all

It wasn't just an illusion , or a crazy delusion ,

it was true someone was out to get my family ,

Someone was trying to wipe my once happy family from existence .

But who ?

Who was it ?

The person , was sure good at giving people goosebumps because , he didn't leave a slightest clue about his identity .

All he left , were sad,  worried and puzzled minds.

I look to the picture frame that was standing on the drawer near my master size bed , it was a picture of me and Mia when we were five licking a strawberry cone ice cream in the bright sunlight .

My lips curled up into a little smile , as I finally clap my hand softly so I could switch of the light since it was a sensory switch .

I tuck my self , again in a even better position as I cuddled my self up under the duvet ,

I finally shut my , eyes and before I knew it I was off to dream land.


First actual chapter !!!
How was it ??

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