Part 7

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You run a hand through your hair and pace back and forth.
All you could think about was catching him.
You felt Ashley's training might need to be quickened.
You left him the rest of the day, not going near him until the next afternoon at around nine.
"Up." You bark as he uncomfertably sat up.
He still had a bad stab from when you chucked him with the knife.
"Come to train your pet?" He asks bitterly, looking up at you with a tired expression.
"Yes. We are gonna be training quicker. This job needs to be done. So uh- I wouldn't mess up if I were you." You tell him with a small smirk.
"Let's me guess, you'll either kill or hurt my friends or you'll torture me?" He states, uninterested.
"Now, sweetheart, you take all the fun out of it went you act like that." You frown, stepping closer to him until you are at the bed.
You sit on the edge.
"Have you ever seen someone skinned alive before?" You ask casually.
"No," He spits.
"Then I suppose you wouldn't know what it's like- the power it gives you- the feeling of inflicting something so powerful on another human, something that will change their life- do you know what it's like to see someone you love get hacked to bits infront of you?" You say and he uncomfertable Swallows and stays silent.
"It's enough to make someone go insane. Which is why if you don't do this job, I'll make you want to do this job." You say with a satisfied smirk as he gives you an uncomfertable glance.
"If you fail me, you'll be punished, if you succed- I don't promise anything." You say with a smile.
"Hands." You tell him and he shows you his bound wrists.
You untie the rope and bring the knife out of your pocket.
You take the back of his hand delicately and turn it upwards before bringing the knife down on it and cutting a perfect ♦ mark on the back of his hand, cutting just deep enough that it would leave a bright scar in its placs.
"This is gonna represent perfection. Loyalty. I want you to be able to look at it and remember I own you." You state as he tries to hide the pain it was obviously inducing on him.
"I should've left when I had to chance." He murmured under his breath.
"You should've. Becuease I would've enjoyed making you watch your friends burn at your hands." You tell him with a devilish smirk.
"Get your ass up. We are training." You state, getting off the bed.
You untie his hands, blood dripping off his fingertips.
"You are gonna go into the garage, get me my keys." You state, deciding to start off simple.
He left the room but quickly walked back in. "Where is the garage?" He asks."down the hall."
You can tell your words annoyed him which made you happy.
A moment later he came back and threw the keys at you, gripping his left hand to try and stop the bleeding some.
"Good boy. Go to your closet and get something nice on." You tell him.
He walks over to the closet and opens the doors, glancing at you uncomfertably as he sees different sized clothing in the closet.
It looked like he wanted to ask about it but thought better.
He grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black shirt, obviously uncomfertable about it but knew he didn't really have a choice at the moment.
He got as far away from you as possibly before quickly stripping his jeans and throwing on the other pair, slipping his belt through the loops.
He then took his shirt off and slipped on the other one.
"Follow." You state, heading out the door.
He follows you down the halls until you reach the room he hated most.
He gave it another uncomfertable glance, looking at the names the jar belonged it.
It reeked to high hell in there.
You grabbed the remote that went to the chip you had injected him with, showing it just do you knew he knew not to try anything.
He follows you as thought a blind puppy, holding his hand tightly, his hands covered in blood.
You opened the back seat, gesturing for him to get in before you sat in the driver seat.
The reason you had him in the back was becuease you didn't want attention drawn to him, the back windows were completely tinted.
You drive in silence before you find yourself luaghing out loud.
"You know what's funny?" You say.
"what?" He replies, a little scared about what you could possibly find funny.
"My mom used to listen to your band all the time, she would play your softer songs and let me fall asleep to it. It's actually the reason I picked one of you guys, you were more likely to stay alive for the job then another idiot." You state and he doesn't respond more then a 'hm'
You pull up into a grocery store and park the car.
"Your job is gonna be to to the the front, grab whatever you want, and come back without being noticed. You make a scene, I just might accidentally let my finger slip." You say, holding up the remote.
It didn't matter what he grabbed, you were simply just testing him right now.
He left the car, shoving his bloodied hand into his pocket as not to raise heads.
You brought out the tracker you had in the car and turned on the sound so you could hear everything he did.
He took a quick glance around before grabbing something off the ground and walking back to the car and got in just as you covered the tracker.
"What did you get?" You ask and he wordlessly hands you a stick and you liagh.
"You really are a dog." You mutter and open the door and throw the stick out.
"What the hell?" He exclaims.
"Sweetheart you brought me a stick, what did you want me to do? Treasure it? No. This is just a test. And why didn't you grab something from the stand? If I wanted you to grab a stick I could've let you off by the side if the road." You state and he huffs in annoyance but stays silent.
"You did good not getting noticed, so we are gonna go up a level." You state, starting the engine and pulling out of the parkinglot.
You drive for a little while longer before you pull into a bank.
"Take this and grab the money from the bank account under this name." You say, handing him an ID card.
"What?! No!" He says in astonishment.
You shoot your body around to look at him.
"I'm gonna give you one more chance to answer that quiestion." You growl and he Swallows harshly.
"Fine...." He murmurs.
The card that you gave him was from your last victim.
He Uncomfertable walked into the bank.
"Er-uh-hi-yes uh- I'd like to take all the cash out of -er- my bank account" You hear his voice on the system in your car and face palm.
He is gonna have to get better or go you think to yourseld.
"Thanks..." He says after a second.
"Yeah- uh- here." He says
After a good ten minutes you see him speed walking out of the bank and gets in the back seat.
"Okay you little- here." He catches himself before he let's him thoughts take over his tongue and hands you the few stacks of cash.
"Good boy, Ashley. You need to be less uncomfertable when you go in though or you might need to go." You state casually as you pull out of the parkinglot and start your hour drive home.
When you reach your destination you have him help you carry the cash in before sending him to his room.
you let him keep the bounds off but still locked the door on him.
You let him have a glass of water first aswell.
You counted the cash before adding it to the pile of unneeded money and sit down in your screen room, spinning around in the chair.

"Elo- yes I calling about John l/n wearabous? See I am his receptionist and I seemed to have lost his plans- oh. Certainly. Yes. Mercy." You say with a fake accent to the girl on the phone.
"Oh my lord! Yes! Yes I see! Oh he will not be happy! Thank you, thank you for your time." You say and hang up, huffing in agrivation.
Seven different calls, seven different characters, and seven different attempts and all you heard was that no one had talked to John in years.
"Where are you, you bastered?" You murmur, toying with the pen inbetween your fingers....


Hello my lovely seaguls! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!
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stay awesome guys! MWA!

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