Part 2

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"Oh conner!" You call into the dark, stepping down the stairs swiftly, barley making a sound.
You found him passed out in the corner on his side when you turned on the light.
You walk over to him and swiftly kick him in his stomach, knocing him awake.
When he looked up at you with panic you couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.
You kneel down infront of him, grab him but the rope that was wrapped around him and push him into a sitting up situation.
"Alright. You caused me a lot of trouble these past few years. I've killed a lot of men trying to get to you." You say, taking out a note and pen.
"Now. You are gonna write down exactly where my father is." You state, putting the stuff down on his lap and untying his hands
He started writing immeditally.
you look at it once it's done.
All that was written on it was the words, I don't know
A wave of anger washed over you and you slammed the back of your hand into the side of his face.
You grab a knife out of your pocket and open it.
"Let's try this again." You say shortly.
He wrote down the same words and you pressed the cold metal to his cheek.
"Do. Not. Lie." You growl, slowly moving the blade across his cheek.
He slammed his eyes shut as his breathing picked up.
"Conner. My sweet friend." You take a breath as your tone changed back to sweet innocence.
"If you don't tell me the truth right now-" you start, taking another deep breath.
"Then I will tie your legs and hands to four different trucks and have them step on the fucking gas!" You say, the sweet tone turning into a slight growl at the end.
"Please don't kill me! I promise I don't know where he is!" He wrote down hurriedly

(A/n- okay this next part was way better but my stupid fucking tablet shut off and restarted itself and didn't save it and I had 600 to 1,000 words on here sooooo.....yeah)

"Well, if you don't know where he is, I suppose you aren't much use to me then." You say and he quickly mouths the worsd, "No! You can let me go! I promise I won't tell a soul!"
"No. No conner. No. I will not be cuaght by trusting my enemy's friend" You say.
"So, lights out conner" and with that, you shoved the knife through his cheek and take it out only to stab it in his chest.
You sat there and watched as he slowly died before your eyes, quietly humming one of the songs you made up.
Once he had fully died, you carved out his hand so you just hand the bones and put it into the jar before filling the rest of it up with his blood.
once you disposed of the body appropriately, you went to the living room and went to the coffee table and grabbed the last frame of your father you had and smash it to the ground, watching the glass fly in every direction. Just like the other ones.
"Father your friend has died becuease you've left! I'll smash yet another picture of you to feel better that you cuased her death! You made me watch when I was only six and you'll pay me back for I've lost my life along with my mind. I've killed men but my hate is for you. For my mother's death I'll slit your throat or tear you appart." You sing, your voice eachhoing off the mostly empty walls.
you finish your song and head back to your room.
you didn't have any leads anymore on how to get to your father.
Perhaps you could find someone to help you?
Someone you wouldn't kill.
Someone you wouldn't hate... Too much...
As you search for this fictional man it suddenly hits fell on your head from the shelf above you..
The album that belonged to your mother of her favorite band.. black veil brides..
Also, having one of them around would be like having a piece of her with you all the time...
It was settled.
You did some research on the band and it turned out they would be coming near you very, very soon.
It would maybe be two weeks.
You would watch the show, be the last in line for the meet and greet, go talk with them and take who you wished..
It would have to be one most suited for the job and the one you didn't hate as much as the others.
Would it be simpler to simply take them all? Yes. But You figured the others wouldn't like you as much if you killed one of them.
You would need this one to like you.. or atleast not despise you..
You swirled around in your chair as you quietly had their album playing in the background.
You would sometimes listen to them when you truly missed your  mother.
Often when she had the music playing with you she would pick you up and dance with you.
You always loved when she would do that.
Your father always hated the music and once broke one of her album discs... so she broke his nose..
Then came the fight that made your mother take you and leave him, only to have him find you both five days later and kill your mother...

An uncomfertable chill ran down your spine as these memories replayed in your head as though it was only yesterday..
You felt like you could pass out from the wave of dizziness that always found its way to uou when you thought about that night..

You try to get up off your chair only to fall on the ground.
"John?" Your mother questioned as his form stood in the doorframe.
"Hello, Alex " He replied in distaste.
"What are you holding?" She asked warily.
"Oh. Just a tool to teach my duaghter a lesson."  He says, letting the butchers knife dangle loosely next to him.
"Mommy you need to run" You whisper shouted at her with panic.
She had no idea about what he has done.
"Sweetie go into the back okay? I'll take care of this." She whispered and you started leaving but you heard your father call you back.
"Y/n you leave and a lot worse things will happen." He stated cooly, making you stop cold in your tracks.
Surely he wouldn't make you watch your mother's death?
Surely he did..
You fling yourself to the other side of the room and hit the wall. Still unable to get the memories out of your head.
You sat in a corner, terrified of what he might do to her.
"Daddy please don't hurt her!" You cried, knowing there was truly nothing you could do.
He ignored your pleads and walked toward her.
You saw her start to backup into the wall.
She was cornered..
"No stop! Please go away!" You say, breathing uneven as you squirmed around on the floor.
"This is for leaving and taking my duaghter with you." He spit
Within seconds you could already see where he almost fully took her arm off.
Your mother screamed bloody murder as you cried harder, trying to make him stop.
And, with all your strength you could muster, you stood up and ran full force into the 6'2 hight man with your tiny body.
You barley had even made him sway while you ended up on your ass.
"Y/n! There will be punishment for trying that!" He growled and your mother tried her best to kick him away from you guys.
There was a gun located by the cabinet just behind this scene that neither of you could get to at the moment.
"You son of a bitch!" He growled before plunging the butchers knife to her face.
"Mom!!" You shrieked as tears stared running down you face as though you were completely reliving the moment.
You thrashed around on the floor, making a picture frame fall and shatter next to you.
you hadn't even noticed the little shards of glass that had cut you when you rolled.
All that could be heard in the house was your shrieks.
Your ear-splitting shrieks.
"Your punishment is gonna be you clean up the mess." He spit once you stopped shrieking so loud.
You just layed there, mind numb as tears consistently ran down your face..
You didn't cool down.
Not until you had made yourself pass out from hyperventilating.
The small background sound proceeded to continue to play.
"I won't be terrorized, I'll take all the blame. This heart of fire is burning proud".....

Well Shit //Ashley Purdy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now