Chapter 1

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I met a dragon today. It was fun really. Except for the part were she passed out, almost died , and I had to save her life.  She's in my room right now laying in my hammock. 

So now I'm sitting on the floor writing about it. I'm not sure what her name is yet. She's pretty though. I'm still not sure what was wrong with her. 

I was walking with Calypso when I saw a crab. I was all like, oh it's a crab! What's a crab doing in the rain forest? Then it ran away so we ( me and Calypso) went after it. We weaved between bushes till there she was. Doing what looked like crab talk to the little shell in her talon. Then I'm just staring cause moons... 

She was cute. Her scales were a tan color with blue, and bright red glow scales kinda like her eyes. Of course Calypso comes up behind me and the crab whisperer just starts suffocating. I look at calypso giving her my best what did u just do? Look, and rush forward to catch her, Prince Charming style.  When I looked up close I saw she was already out. Her gills were barely moving, and that seemed to be the only way she could breath. Another feature that I saw when I looked closer was that she had a barbed tail. So she's a hybrid, would you look at that we already have things in common. Suddenly she just stops breathing. So then Im cradling a dead person. If you don't know me I panic easily. (On the inside of course...)My first thought is hey! you're magic! Fix her!

 I am also not a critical thinker. I go with first thoughts most of the time, and I had a neckless with me so it wouldn't be that hard to just fix her. I pull of my jewelry (a blue ribbon with a pendant.)  

And say the magic words. 

"I enchant this neckless to give the wearer ability to breath were ever they are and what ever they are doing." (So now someone could try and choke her and she'd be fine) (not that that would happen...)Then I put it around her neck. 

I kinda expected her to just wake up with a gasp, and be like " oh! You saved me here's a kiss!" But she was still out cold. Breathing! but not exactly awake... I also then realized my sister was still behind me. Dang it.

" Yucca what in Phyira were u thinking! What about your soul!" This comment just ticked me off. I mean really guys! Do I sound like a crazy psychopath!  "Because letting her die would be soooo much better." I say, " I saved you when you were near death. Did I hear any complaint? no." Calypso takes this as a point to change the subject. "Well what are we gonna do now? It's no like we can drag her home." This is true... I mean we live in a tree. This is not a problem for dragons who are awake and can fly, but the one who was in my arms was dead to the world. We had two options:

A. Wait till she woke up.


B. Drag her all the way to our house... That was in a tree.

Neither of these options were appealing and I said so to my sister. 

"I could go get mom..." My sister said. Ok sure I'll just stay here with the strange, yet surprisingly attractive, sleeping dragon, yeah that's a great idea.(sarcasm my friends) but my ,usually quiet, logical mind agreed because I don't want to drag gorgeous here up a tree, and the fact that our mom's a healer is an added bonus So off went my sister to get our mother, and I was sitting there for a decent I don't know 15 minutes, before pretty girl woke up. 

"What happened?" There's the princess line. Well dearie  you almost died and I'm cradling you in my arms, was the logical response, but all I could get out was, " I saved you with my magic."  She looks at me and smiles. Moons she looks a lot better when she's smiling and not half dead. It didn't last long though because she fell back again before I could ask her name. It was an hour before mom got back. She said that the dragon would be ok and that she just needed to rest. So guess what we had to do next. Drag her up a tree. Mom promised to help though, and we got here before dark. 

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