Chapter 3

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Excuse that last page gulf wanted to try and write like I did. Mom and dad have decided to let gulf stay with us. This got me another comment from calypso about true love, and how me and gulf are meant for each other. We are gonna try to help her fit in. Now that she's staying we are gonna Teach her dragon stuff and all that. (Basically how to not be a crab) She went of the other day though to tell her crab family, (I'm assuming they are like her family) and came back crying. I gave her a hug and she just fell into me. I guess I'm pretty good at hugs. Gulf's really nice and surprisingly good at speaking dragon. Reading and writing is what she struggles in. She writes like a dragonet, but thinks and talks like someone my age. We don't know how old she is... We were guessing about a year younger that me and calypso. The crabs chart time differently than us I guess. I'm going to rising colors in a few days... I'm gonna miss gulf. She's not coming. Mom says that she's not used to dragons enough to be around 50 all at once. Gulf agrees but says she's still gonna miss me. It was really hard not to turn pink when she said that.(like really, really hard) I'm pretty good at not turning certain colors when I want to hide my emotions. Go me I guess, nobody knows how much I cry.

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