Chapter one

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This is just the old chapters from the old story. So you don't have to read this

Maya's Pov
It's been 4 years since me and Farkle got married. We are just finishing college and I'm a artist, but I'm don't just paint. I paint and sing. I found out that in 7th or 8th grade, I don't know which grade anymore, it's been a while.. But I learned that art isn't just well art, it's music, it's singing, it's dancing, it's photography, it's so much more! I know I'm stupid because I should've known that sooner but, it's okay cause I know it now. So thumbs up for that!I've been majoring in art through out college and it payed off cause my pieces are being sold to museums and people who just want a fun design in their house or something. I also have small concerts when I have time...which is basically never.Oh, And Farkle became a doctor not to long ago to. I understand it takes a while for someone to become certified to be a doctor, but he was apparently so advanced he was able to finish sooner than most.We are actually doing really well, I havent torn his head off yet which is crazy weird....But of course We have our romantic moments, and not so romantic moments, basically everyday, but our relation ship is like bestfriends fighting over food, but always sharing in the end. We love eachother to death, regardless and these past years I have gotten to know so much more about him. Every day I feel like I'm falling for him more and more as days go on...But of course It's cant be as great as it sounds .Farkle and I......want a baby. But my body won't produce it properly....It's really bad.I actually had a miscarriage, Not to long ago either. It was very hard. I mean I cried for days. It was just really hard on both of us. Farkle was very distant for an amount of time..After that happend we stopped, everything for a little while and let grief take over us.We finally decided to try again, but then it turned into again and again. We keep trying and trying, but it just wasn't working. I mean yeah it felt great! But it was disappointing.We couldn't understand why my body won't allow a baby.But We are going to arrange a doctors appointment for tomorrow to find out why I can't get pregnant. Let's see what they say....**Next day**Still Maya's Pov"Hello Mr and Mrs. Minkus.How are you doing today?" The doctor asked us.Mrs.Minkus...Its been 4 years and I still can't get over the fact that I am Mrs.Minkus now."We are doing great how about you?" Farkle speaks for the both of us. "I'm doing swell thank you...You guys are here because, you would like to know why Mrs.Minkus won't produce a baby?correct?" "That's correct." I say."Oh, it also seems like you've had a miscarriage, I'm so sorry." I felt the tears burning my eyes when I heard "miscarriage". I will never, Ever get over the fact that My baby died, inside of me. "May, it's okay." Farkle tried to sooth me."Um...I think I need to step outside for a sec."I sank Down the wall. I heard footsteps coming towards me."This is harder than I thought." I said without looking up."I know it is May, but you know we have to do this." He said.I sighed deeply "I know."He held his hand out for me to take. Which I accepted. "Then let's go." "Ahh, Mrs.Minkus, Mr.Minkus, Your back." She smiled."Are you feeling better?" She asked"Yeah I guess." I replied."So, we are gonna try an old method where I will give You a test tube and You" she pointed at me "will just have you lay down here."She handed Farkle a red testube while I laid on one of those very uncomfortable Hospital bed thingy or whatever they are called."What's the tube for?" Farkle asked."Oh well your gonna go into a different room and produce a Sperm, -" I giggled while Farkle's cheeks turned pink."-while Mrs.Minkus and I will just have a talk. Or do you guys want a sperm from the sperm bank?""This may sound WIERD, but I would like Farkle's please." I replied"No problem, come back I. When your ready."20 minutes laterFarkle finally walked back in."Well babe, that took a while" I laughed. He let out a nervous chuckle while rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. He handed the test tube to the doctor. "Ok, we are gonna have to take you're pants off." She said to me."Would you like Mr.Minkus to stay?" She asked. I shrugged "it's up to him." He sat down next to me.The Rest of the procedure was and felt totally weird, but I don't really want to go into deep detail.10 minutes laterOk guys I think we are done. If this doesn't work, then we'll just have to run some tests.

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