Malec One - Shots

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Hellooooo readers!

So I'm gonna do one - shots with my favorite @meymonstur so we'll take turns writing them and hopefully this will do as good as my other story. If you don't know what that is, it's 'I Do (Malec)', so please go check it out! And go check out @meymonstur!



Alec POV

"Magnus?" I asked as I heard the door creak open.

He walked into the room, almost stepping on Chairman Meow. There were circles under his eyes, and his hair wasn't even spiked up.

"I swear, vampires are the worst clients ever." He says through a yawn.

I smirk at him. "Honestly, I don't even know how you do it every day. I know I couldn't handle werewolves making me summon demons to torture their exs."

Magnus smiled. "I remember that one. Ugh." He glanced over at my laptop, then sat down. Before I could say anything, we pulled me closer and crashed his lips onto mine. I tensed, then let go, because by the Angel is he a good kisser.

We finally pulled apart, and our faces were still very close.

"Well hello to you too," I whispered. Magnus shivered. Then he pulled away with a big grin on his face.

"Watcha doing on here?" he inquired. After taking one look at my screen, his face went slack. "Oh. The orphanage thing. Did you find one you wanted to go to yet?"

I suddenly turned serious. "Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about..." Then, a thought occurred to me.

(A/N: Today we shall just pretend that warlocks can produce children.)

"Mags, do you have any children of your own? You know, ones that you actually fathered?"

His face darkened. "Alexa-"

But I cut him off. "I mean, you've been with women before, at some point, you must have..." I trailed off and looked up at his face, which was darker than the runes on my arms.

Then he sighed. "Yes, I do. I think..." He paused in thought for a second. "I think maybe four or five?" It sounded more like a question.

"Magnus! How can you not know how many children you have!" I was astonished.

"Honestly," he replied, "children were never a big party of my life. Most of my children are ifrits: warlocks without power. They hated me because they couldn't have what I did. And, once their mundane mothers found out what I was, they kicked me out. I'm not really that fond if children."


"Jesus, Alec, calm down. I do want a kid. Just not one that hates me." He soothed.

"Okay, fine." I huffed. "But you should've told me that before we decided anything. You have to be honest with me Mags."

"But I don't want to bring up my past! I'm 800 years old, my past is not pretty."

"Still," My hands go to either sides of his face. "You have to tell me things."

Magnus smiled. "You know, my past may not be pretty, but you certainly are."

My hands left his face. "Stop flirting with me! This is serious." But a blush had already started creeping up my face.

Magnus turned back to the computer and looked at the information like it really interested him. "I love you a lot and stuff, but we should really get down to business. He was trying to hide it, but he was blushing too. But I decided to play along.

"Yep, let's do it!" And we sat down for another hour of orphanage hunting.


Weeeel I don't know.

Was it good?

Was it really good?

Was it really really good?

It probably sucked balls.

But they will get better as I get more confidante!

Vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

Btw Carina (@meymonstur) will probs update tomorrow!


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