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Chapter 1


Standing on the steps, Draco Malfoy waited patiently with his luggage by his side. He swallowed hard and ran a shaky hand through his blonde hair. His mind raced rapidly.

"Draco." A gentle voice spoke. He turned his head and smiled at the sight of his mother. Narcissa had her hair up, twisted into a bun to keep it out of her face. Draco thought she looked older — thinner. It saddened him seeing the effects that these summer days had taken on her overall health. But, he still thought his mother looked beautiful. "Are you ready?" She took his arm and patted it with her hand, trying to calm his nerves.

Draco nodded at her not knowing what to say. They walked down the steps and down the long driveway. He stared at the towering hedges that went all the way down the drive way.

He wanted to be happy going back to Hogwarts. Like, when he first learned how to fly during first year, or when he had his first kiss in an abandoned broom closet with a Hufflepuff girl who he could never remember the name of. But Draco new deep down inside that the happiness wouldn't last long. That the situation at hand would be inevitable - unavoidable.

Him and his mother arrived at the gate that closed them off from society. It creaked open with a groan, opening them up to their neighborhood.

A childhood friend walked by the gate, tossing a red marble into the air then catching it before repeating the action. It was Theodore Nott, a fellow Slytherin in the same year as himself.

He wasn't a close friend of Draco's even though the two had known each other growing up. Nott was a closed off person, a loner. Draco often wondered what it felt like to be a loner. Was he lonely or was he just alone?

Nott glanced at the two Malfoy's once the gate shut behind them. He gave a polite nod at Narcissa before continuing his walk, ignoring Draco entirely.

Where was he going?

Draco did not care.

What he cared about was the fact that Nott couldn't even look him in the eye. The look on the boy's face was something Draco would have to get used to. The look of utter disgust. People from all around their neighborhood refused to acknowledge the Malfoy's ever since the summer of 1995.

When the news broke out about the Dark Lord's return, the Malfoy's reputation slowly faded. It got even worse once his father was imprisoned after the war. Draco and Narcissa were "not guilty" only because of Harry Potter. He hated to admit it but he owed Potter one day.

As the two made their way down the street more familiar faces were seen. Draco saw Gregory Goyle who walked alone, dragging his big feet against the pavement creating a scraping type sound. He kicked a few rocks while his chubby hands were stuffed deep in his front pockets. Draco's mother let go of him as he started forward to greet what used to be a friend.

"Goyle-" Draco's words died off as Goyle's head turned at the sound of his approach. Draco stopped walking, his heart dropping at the sight. Goyle had a scowl on his face, a weird look in his eye. Draco wanted to say something to wipe the look off of his face but Goyle had already walked past him.

It made Draco feel like scum.

He cleared his throat and smoothed down the front of his jacket, trying to recover himself from the embarrassment. Had his reputation been that badly hurt, that even a big oaf like Gregory Goyle thought he was better than him?

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