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Jack Frost was bored. He had been locked in his room for weeks while North and the rest of the Guardians did boring business stuff. He decided he needed to get out.

He let the winds carry him, and they took him to the kingdom of Arendelle. He landed and walked through the town, making thin layers of frost appear on people's belongings when they weren't looking. He was having fun, which was something he hadn't had in a while. He was wandering the streets when a large castle came in to view. He decided to check it out.

He snuck in through the open window of a library. He walked around the castle, admiring the paintings when he heard the sound of little girls laughing. The sound of FUN! He ran to the noise and found two small girls playing in...snow?

He couldn't believe it! It was snowing inside of the little girls' room! He started watching and realized that the oldest of the girls was creating the snow and ice. She had platinum blonde hair and big, light blue eyes, like ice. When the girls were done playing, they scooped up all of the snow and threw it out the window.

Jack continued watching the girls play and wishing they would believe.

^^A Few Months Later^^

Jack watched, feeling helpless as the youngest sister, Anna, got hit in the face with a blast of ice. Jack could only watch as the oldest, Elsa, screamed with tears in her eyes for her parents. She started talking to her unconscious sister. Jack walked over and put a hand on Elsa's shoulder, though he knew she wouldn't feel it. She didn't believe.

^^Many Years Later^^

Jack, once again, didn't know what to do. He stood feeling miserable as Anna and Elsa were informed that their parents ship went under and never came up. He ran to the girls as they cried on each others shoulders, this being the first time they've seen each other properly since Elsa shut the world out. Jack put his arms around both of them, but -of coarse- they weren't aware of his presence.

Elsa didn't attend the funeral, so neither did Jack. Jack always stood by her side, like a guardian angel. But he could never help, he could never comfort her. Because no matter how hard he wished, she still wouldn't believe.

The day of her parents funeral was the day Elsa started talking to herself. Jack would pretend she was speaking to him, but it was just wishful thinking.

"What am I going to do? I'm alone now, no one understands. What do I do?" She asked. She seemed to be looking at Jack, but he knew she was starring out the window behind him.

"It's okay. I can get us through this, my love." He would chide, praying she could hear him, but she never could.

"I wish there was someone who understands what it's like to feel so...alone. So isolated from the world. Like they might as well not exist." She said, her words bringing tears to her and Jacks eyes.

"I understand! I know what it feels like! Please! Believe in me and we can make it through this! Elsa please! I love you! Believe in me! Please!..please." He sobbed, screaming in hopes his loud voice would resonate off the walls, but to no luck. She fell to her knees, sobbing. Jack rushed over her and gave her the comfort she wanted, she needed, but could never have. Could never feel.

Jack could hardly watch as she sobbed in the middle of her bedroom floor. Crying out desperately for someone who understood.

"I'm right here! I've been here all along, Elsa! Just believe! Believe in me!" He would cry desperately, but she never heard. Instead she would cry herself to sleep every night. And every night Jack would make a snow bed appear under her and give her a kiss good-night. Every day, they both felt the pain of having no one, the pain of being alone, the pain of the truth that nobody would ever understand.

Enough [A sad Jelsa one shot that will make you cry]Where stories live. Discover now