Alternate Ending

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Hello, readers! This is an alternate ending to the story, It's not sad like the first, it's actually quite good! So, read, comment, and vote if you want, I'm not one to pry! This starts from the year after Elsa's parents die, the One Year Later Mark, if you will.

^^One Year Later^^

Jack was starting to get a bit more hope. Elsa had seemingly come out of her shell of shock and started sneaking out of her room in the dead of night to visit the library and read until the break of dawn, where she would then hurriedly go back to her room as to not get caught by a passing servant.

He enjoyed watching her as she spent hours upon hours in the library just reading. She had started collecting a pile of books on each excursion to read throughout the day. He was overjoyed when she selected a book of fables and myths. Perhaps she'll read a story about me and believe! The lonely winter spirit thought happily. His happiness faltered when she failed to pick up the old book but was brought back up as she muttered to herself she would save it for the next day and placed it on her nightstand.

She then turned out the light and rested her head on the soft pillow. Jack smiled to himself as he watched her lightly start to snore. He leaned his staff against the wall and walked over to the young woman's bed. He hesitated before softly laying down next to her on top of the covers. Like he expected, the bed lightly creaked under his weight. Luckily, the young princess was not aware of the noise as she was in deep slumber. He sighed as he looked upon her relaxed features and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. She truly was a beautiful girl. Eventually, he too fell asleep.


When Jack woke the next morning, He found Elsa was already awake and sitting cross legged on the floor, the big book placed on her lap as she read each page with a content smile. He hopped off the bed and grabbed his staff before walking over to the girl and sitting in front of her.

"Good morning," He said and, as usual, got no response. He peeked his head over to see what she was reading, it was a tale titled, "Jack and the Beanstalk," he chuckled.

"Hey! That guy stole my name!" he said. No response. He sighed as he stood up and walked over to the window. He looked out upon the kingdom below him and onto the fjord where cargo ships slowly made there way in and out of the docks. He didn't stop until he heard his name whispered.

"Jack Frost, Spirit of Winter," he snapped his head in the direction of the voice to see Elsa with the book still on her lap. He dashed over and saw that she was finally on the page with his story.

"This is great! She'll read the story, and then believe in me!" he said excitedly. He waited patiently as she flipped through the pages, a joyous smile playing on her soft lips.

"Powers over ice and snow," she muttered as she read the words aloud, "just like me!" she said and hurriedly continued reading. When she finished reading the story, she closed the book and walked to her window. Does she believe? Jack asked himself as he stood to stand next to her. He waved a hand in front of her face, no response. His face fell and he hung his head as she started talking to herself again.

"He couldn't possibly be real, it's just a children's story. But I don't have time for silly beliefs as such," she chided and walked over to her bed. She plopped down on it and rested her head on the soft pillows. Jack walked over and sat next to her, seeing the immense amount of thinking she was currently doing through her crystal eyes.

Elsa soon found her eyelids became heavy and she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts still consumed of the possibility of another being out there like her.


When she woke the next morning, She felt a presence. Turning her head, she nearly screamed at the sight of a boy her age in her bed. She quickly sat up and was about to shake him awake to ask what in Arendelle's name was he doing here when she saw his features. He had snowy white hair and a pale complexion. She couldn't help but feel a sort of attraction and familiarity towards him. Of coarse! She thought excitedly, The book! She grabbed the book off the floor and flipped to the story of Jack Frost, a picture of the boy on her bed was drawn on the front. She sat back down on her bed and hovered over the sleeping winter spirit. Before she could stop herself, she hesitantly reached down and gently traced the side of his face with her fingertips where they then moved to his soft lips where she traced the outline, her cold hand rested on his cheek and he began to stir in his sleep. She removed her hand as he slowly opened his eyes to reveal the deep blue orbs behind his eyelids.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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