Survival Skill #25

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No matter the hemisphere, the positions of stars can provide directions.


A surge of warmth zips through my veins as if someone has shocked my body back to life after my heart has ceased beating. My hands shake and my knees wobble a little. Mo kisses my lips, one at a time. It’s the kiss I’ve always wondered if I’d ever receive. The kind where everything fits together perfectly, like a little puzzle. No awkward moments or fumbling. And only once do I think of Wyn. How different this kiss is. Then the memory slips away into the abyss of my brain. Like Mo’s kiss erased everything going on in my head. Especially anything about Wyn.

I intertwine my hands behind his neck as his mouth cradles my top lip. My heart cracks open and I feel a small part of myself let go. I’m not sure how much time passes but, eventually, he pulls away. I hover for a minute with my lips slightly puckered and eyes still closed. Hoping he’ll kiss me again.

Mo clears his throat. “You see that cluster of stars?”

Wait a minute! Is my brain on kissing while his is on stargazing? I can still feel the sensation of his lips on mine but pretend to be uber-interested in astronomy. “Which ones?”

“Over there. Northwest from the moon.”

“Says the cute compass.”

He points up. “Seriously, do you see it?”

I squint at the small polka dots decorating the black canvas stretched above us. “Yeah, I think so. What is it?”

“Scorpius. Some say Orion fled from the scorpion by swimming across the ocean to see his lover, Athena. Apollo, the son of Zeus, didn’t much care for Orion. So he tricked Athena. In a challenge, he dared her to shoot an arrow at a black shape in the water. Athena loved competition so she hit the target and unknowingly killed her one true love, Orion. Poor sod.”

“Poor Athena.”

Mo stares up at the sky. “Can you imagine? Being responsible for the death of someone you love?”

I think about Dad. “Sometimes I feel that way.”

Mo hugs me but doesn’t push me to reveal anymore. I assume he knows how hard that was for me to admit. I make a conscious effort not to pull away. “How do you know about stars?”

He clears his throat. “My dad was in the United Kingdom Special Forces. Spent a lot of time in the woods with him. The stars were his compass.”

“Does he love rocks too?”

Mo laughs unexpectedly. A puff of air tickles my forehead. “No, but he would listen to me go on about them for hours. When I was little, we spent a lot of time hiking in England’s Lake District. I’d collect rocks, and my dad always helped me cart them home so I could identify them.”

“Are you guys close?”


“How does he feel about you being out here? He must miss you.”

Mo doesn’t answer for a very long time. Once he finally speaks, his voice is scratchy. “If you don’t mind, I’d rather not discuss him right now.”

“Sure, no problem.” I rake my fingers through his hair.

He sweeps my bangs to one side and kisses my forehead. “We better get you back, Blossom. It’s getting late.”

I don’t protest even though I’m disappointed the night is ending. The whole hike back, I clutch onto Mo. Even though his hand is strong and callused, his touch is soft and reassuring. In the humid weather, my face has frozen into a permanent, goofy grin.

“You look happy.”

I try to pull my face down and look less giddy. “Why do you say that?”

“The cheeky grin gives you away. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,” he says, his voice low and his accent mesmerizing. “Let’s meet again tomorrow.”

Even though I want to, I’ve already decided to head into Cherokee to find out more about the boot treads in those pictures. “I can’t. I have stuff to do.”

Mo tilts his head. “Anything I can help with?”

I shake my head. “I wish.”

“Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be at the same place. Late afternoon.” Mo leans in and grazes my mouth with his lips. He sees me grin again and points at my mouth. “There it is again. You’re smiling. What are you so chuffed about?”

My cheeks ache a little and I try to be serious. “Nothing.”


Later, as Luci and I zigzag along the windy road, I replay the night in my head and lick my lips where Mo kissed me. I can’t believe this is happening to me. Now.

But as usual, questions begin chipping away at my happy thoughts.

What if this guy breaks my heart? What if he moves back to England?

I notice my speedometer and slow down a bit.

Maybe I’m going too fast. Then again, what if I’m holding back too much?

The toe of my shoe presses down the gas pedal and I fly home all the way home.

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