Bring your kid to work day (Arin)

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Star and Luna didn't have school today but you still had to work so you decided to bring them with you. As soon as y'all got to the grump space, Star started running around like a crazy person, which was normal for her since she's so hyperactive. Luna was shy so she stayed attached to either you or Arin at all costs, every time you talked to someone, Luna was attached to your hip and hiding her face so nobody would talk to her.

You were working on your computer doing some editing, Star's energy had run out and she was K.O'd on a beanbag chair. Luna wanted to cuddle but you couldn't cuddle and type at the same time so she went off to look for Arin, she was pretty tired herself so she was looking for some snuggle time from her dad.

She quietly opened the door since Arin and Danny were recording Game Grumps, they noticed the door was open but she hid behind the couch before anyone saw her.

"Dude did you leave the door open?"

"What? No." They were both confused. Luna crawled around the couch while both of their backs were turned and she sneaked her way onto her dad's lap and snuggled into hid chest. It scared the crap out of Arin, and his scream scared Danny as well.

"AAAAHHHH WHAT THE FU- oh it's just Luna." Danny busted out laughing at his friend.

"Jesus it's so easy to scare you even your 4 year old daughter can do it."

"Says the pussy who can't handle one little horror game."

They both laughed after that, Arin looked down at his daughter and noticed she was asleep. He started petting her and playing at the same time.

"She's so cute, aww she has a finger in her mouth." Arin was cooing at his daughter while trying not to make wild gestures because he kept dying over and over.

"Do you want me to hold her? Since you obviously suck right now." Danny offered.

"Are you sure Dan? You think you can handle it Dan?" Arin asked in a teasing manner.

"Dude I have two nephews, I got this."

Arin paused the game and gently lifted Luna up and put her in Danny's lap, she immediately snuggled into Danny's jacket and gripped his shirt with her tiny fist. Danny looked at his best friend's daughter and thought how cute she was in her little outfit she was wearing. Luna was wearing her Merida dress and some ballet shoes with little butterflies.

"Dude I've just noticed that she wears this dress a LOT." Arin looked over.

"Oh yeah. Merida is her favorite princess so she wears that dress all the time, I'm gonna hate to see the day when it doesn't fi anymore or it rips, that will not be a good day."

"Is this the only dress she has?"

"Hm, oh no. She also has a Moana dress, a Belle dress, and a Jack Sparrow costume. And I'm not even going to get started on how many onesies she has."

Danny nodded and looked down at her, stroking her aquamarine locks.

Danny nodded and looked down at her, stroking her aquamarine locks

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"So what made her want to dye her hair this color?"

"Since Y/N dyes her hair, Luna wanted to do it too. She wants to be just like her mommy."

"She's a weird little kid."

"Yeah, just like my wife, I love them both though."

So Luna spent the rest of the day napping on Danny's lap while Arin played and tried his best not to curse.

Dan Avidan and Arin Hanson preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now