Chapter 9

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Loki stepped back from the door and I thought I might be sick. Him? Meet my parents? It wasn't that I was ashamed of my choice to be with him, I didn't want them anywhere near him.

My mother's voice shouted through the door, "Finally Allyra! You've got chores to-" She stopped short upon opening the door as her eyes alighted upon Loki. "Uh-um prince Loki, what are you doing here?" I had never seen her at a loss for words and I had to admit, it was really funny.

My father appeared behind her just as Loki answered the question. "I've come to formally introduce myself and to ask your permission to court your daughter."

The dumbfounded look on my parents' faces was almost enough to break my petrified scowl. Almost. The sound of my mom's voice again rang out, this time sickeningly sweet, "Oh, wonderful! Welcome to our home, can I get you something to drink perhaps?"

He politely declined the offer, and that was how it went. When my mother insisted on giving him a tour of the house, he was polite. When my father began asking not-so-subtle questions, he was polite. And when I finally thought I couldn't stand it anymore, he noticed and politely claimed to have something to attend to back at the palace. 

"Goodbye my darling," whispered Loki when we were out of earshot of my parents, "MIght I see you again tonight?"

"I do not know, but I will try. I promise you I will try."

He smiled, "If you can't come to me, I will come here."

"It's a deal," I laughed. And that was that, he turned without another words and left, swallowed up by the noise and bustle of the crowded street.

When I closed the door behind me, I was again faced with my parents, and this time Loki wasn't there to act as a buffer. "Don't you screw this up Allyra," my mother scowled, "You have a chance to do something great for this family, and I don't want you ruining it."

I couldn't handle it anymore. I clenched my jaw until I was sure my teeth would shatter as she continued to lecture me on "how good she would look to her friends if her daughter married the prince". It was revolting. I finally managed to slip away and retreated to my room, glad to finally have some peace and quiet. 

About an hour later, I cautiously made my way back into the living room. "Mother, may I go for a walk?"

"Are you going to see Loki?"

There was something in her voice that made me think telling the truth would bring more grief than it was worth. "No," I lied. 

"Well then no, you cannot take a walk. Allyra, you have more important things than going for leisurely strolls. There is the house to clean and your outfits to plan."

I rolled my eyes as I walked back into my room, upset I wouldn't get to see the garden and hoping Loki would keep his promise to visit me here instead. Though after the way this afternoon went, I wouldn't blame him if he never wanted to come near this house ever again.

It wasn't until an hour later that I heard a faint knock at my bedroom window. When I got up to check though, there was no one outside. Confused, I looked left and right multiple times, sure I heard that sound. Just as I was closing the shutters, a pair of arms grasped my waist lightly and drew me away from the window. My back contacted something solid, and I knew from the feel of the cloth through my thin nightgown that it was Loki. "You came," I whispered, turning to face him. He kept his arms around me, his hands lightly caressing my skin. 

"Did you doubt I meant what I said?" He was so close, and I felt a little dizzy at the proximity. 

"No, I just- I mean...thank you," I stuttered, somehow not able to form a cohesive sentence. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his torso, and breathed in the musky mint smell of him. He hugged me back and I was amazed at the way our bodies fit together, like two adjacent pieces of a puzzle, molded to one another. "I'm sorry for earlier," I murmered, afraid of his reaction. Did he still want to continue our courtship after the episode with my parents? 

He pulled back so he could see my face, but his skin never left mine. "I was more worried about you. If you ever want to....get are more than welcome to stay at the palace for however long you would like."

I couldn't believe it. He was offering me a way out. An opportunity to leave the people who constantly put me down and yelled at me, to exchange for a stay in the royal palace. "Really?" I asked, refusing to believe it could be this easy. 

"Of course, you may come whenever you please. Would you like to go now?"

There was no hesitation, no shred of doubt in my mind. "Yes."

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