II. The Punishment

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I am furious. How dare he escape while under my watch? I continue to seethe, and almost don't notice a frantic scrabbling at the door. I turn around in an offensive stance, tightly gripping my guns. Eventually the door unlocks and Tony stumbles in.

“WHAT?!” I yell.

“Just saw you and Loki in here, having a party, thought I’d join you,” he says in the usual Tony-ish way of casual sarcasm.

I gesture to him using one of my guns.

“Get out of here before I shoot you, Stark.” I, on the other hand, am deadly serious.

He holds up his hands in mock defeat.

“I just wanted to tell you that Fury doesn't know yet, as far as I can tell. What happened, anyway, Nat?”

“Good. I doubt he'll let me off with a warning, even though it wasn't my fault. Someone let him out while I was on break, I guess. At least, that's what Loki said. Not sure if I can believe him, though. God of Lies and all,” I answer, feeling my anger subside. But not by much.

“He actually might have been telling the truth. Yo, Jarvis!” Tony says.

“Yes, sir?” Jarvis responds.

“I need you to bring up the files of every new agent since Thor first came to Earth from Asgard.”

“Of course.”

I cross my arms as we wait. Tony starts humming the Jeopardy tune.

“Shut up.”

Tony only hums louder.

After a few minutes, Jarvis' voice returns.


“Yes, Jarvis?”

“It appears that someone has erased the files, and it is untraceable.”

“Well, that's just great. And that was sarcasm, Jarvis.” I say.

“What would you like me to do, sir?” Jarvis asks.

“I guess nothing, for now. What are you planning to do, Nat?” Tony replies.

“Well, there's a difference from what I want to do and what I’ll probably end up doing. If I could, I’d just forget today happened, and leave the so-called Liesmith to wander about as he pleases. But, what will probably end up happening is that we'll have to go on a stupid mission to go capture him, again, and then he'll just escape again and we'll have to start all over.”

Tony thinks for a minute, then nods. “Yep. That's exactly right.”

All of a sudden, a thought hits me. I walk over to the door of Loki’s cell. It's closed, and I can't see any sign of forced entry-or rather exit. “Tony, does this look like it was forced open to you?”

He walks over to where I’m standing, most likely trying to figure out what I’m thinking. “No, it doesn't even look like it was even opened since we put him in there. If I didn't know any better, I’d say it was never locked.” Tony’s statement is confusing.

“But we both watched Clint lock it. We let him do the honours, remember?” I remind Tony. “No. You don't think-” I trail off.

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