SD: Part. 10

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Five minutes goes by, Ariyh and Reign's eyes scoped one another. Rein's thoughts seem to wither away as Ariyh try to construct what his mind analyzed. She seemed to no longer have that ability. Was it because he was now in humatic form??

Reign: Sooo??
Ariyh: This is very strange.
Reign: Please tell me this will not dampen our friendship??
Ariyh: So much has happened so quickly.

She makes her way to Reign. His stallion-like body perfected every curve. She examined his figure. Reign's arms were strongly attached to his now quintessential body. Her eyes focused upon his glorious brown eyes. His hair shiny and beyond shoulder length. His abdomen dripping with sweat because he had been running with purpose. Her every thought of him seemed to be sin. This was her colt. But strangely, she was attracted.

He stepped forward to grace her with his presence, automatically, she budged backwards. He didnt understand. He also tried to construct what her mind analyzed, but if was difficult for him as well. What was this gunna do to theyre relationship??

Reign: Please??

Ariyh hadn't noticed before, but Reign's voiced resembled a waterfall, for it roared in delight.

Reign: I just want--
Ariyh: Just stop!

She dismissed his words rudely. Her mind already roamed, inspecting every inch of his physique. She noticed her arousal levels were attached to him. His articulate words combined with his appearance, Ariyh couldn't deny, she was now attracted to Reign.

Ariyh: Im going to ask you a series of questions, all I need for you to do is nod, 'yes' or 'no'. Got it??
Reign: Ye--
Ariyh: No no no. You are to reply with a nod.

He nods shamefully.

Ariyh: Let's try this again. Im gunna ask you a series of questions--

Reign nods.

Ariyh: You are to nod with, 'yes' or 'no'.

He nods again.

She couldn't bare to hear his voice. If only he knew what his NOW appearance and his voice combined, had her detect.

Ariyh: Are you aware that you are human??
Reign nods: Yes.
Ariyh: Are you aware that we can now verbally communicate??
Reign nods: Yes.
Ariyh: Are you aware that you are completely naked with only your saddle to cover you down??
Reign nods: Yes.

A few seconds goes by, Reign's eyes tightened and peaked down to inspect, 'the situation'.

Reign: FUCK!

Ariyh laughed uncontrollably and approached Reign. In the saddle attached to Reign, Ariyh kept a spare workers outfit; just in case her mom would come out and help. Which was often.

Reign: Thanks.

She handed him the attire and turned away for him to array in the clothing provided.

But of course he needed help because he had never done that type of thing before.

Reign: Um, help.

Ariyh had forgotten Reign's now frame, was a few minutes before, her striking colt. She had to help.

Ariyh: Try to balance.

She demonstrated. He was to put in one leg at a time. Surprisingly, he complied. Slowly. Her attention seemed to be grasped in lustful admiration.

Reign: So, what are we to do now.
Ariyh: Well first, we have to head back and tell dad. He HAS to know.
Reign: But--but what if he disapproves??
Ariyh: Disapproves of what?? You are still mine. Just because you are--

Her thoughts are screaming.

Reign: Human, he may want me to--
Ariyh: Remove your presence?? Yes!
Reign: Thats abserd! I will not--
Ariyh: What??! Leave me??
Reign: Yes! Just because you doubt our relationship doesn't mean he will.
Ariyh: Really??! Im only thinking--
Reign: Just stop, okayy??!

Ariyh scoffs.

Reign: Th--thats your problem! You think WAY too much!
Ariyh: Excuse me??!
Reign: You heard me!

She stood in attention.

Reign: Im not saying DONT think. I just want you to have an open mind about this. Okayy??!

Ariyh nods.

Reign: We can communicate! Isnt that what you wanted??!

He turned away angrily.

Reign: As I recall, you are the one who made--
Ariyh: The wish!

She gasped heavily.

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