Chapter 1

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Natalie's POV
It's been a month since I had to save Edward from killing himself. I found out that I can copy any vampire power that I come in contact with. I walked to the border with Edward at my side. "Natalie, Edward." Paul said with a stern look. "What's up babe?" I asked walking over to him going in for a hug. He stepped back and took in a deep breath. "Natalie..." He started. "You asshole." Edward snarled. I stepped away from Paul. "I imprinted on Jacob's sister, Rachel." He whispered. I felt a tear run down my face. "Natalie I'm so sorry." He said. He tried to grab my hand, but I moved away. "Don't ever come near me again." I said in a cold tone. I walked back over to Edward and he held me in his arms. We walked away from the border and I looked down at the ring Paul gave me. I slipped it off my finger and threw it as hard as I could in the other direction. "He was too old for you anyway." Edward said trying to cheer me up. "Edward I'm 105, he was 17. I already miss him so much." I said sadly trying not to let anymore tears run down my face. "Hey, is it okay if I use mom's ring for something?" Edward asked. My sad frown turned in an angry line. "You're proposing to her and taking my ring to do it." I said angrily. "It's only fitting." He said running a hand through his hand. "Find another ring, that's mine." I snarled racing away from him. He had no love for me in his heart with Bella in his life. I'll kill her if I have to. I jumped onto my balcony and sat in my chair and brought my knees to my chest and cried. My phone started to ring and I looked at the number. It was Jared. "Hello." I said wiping tears from my face. "Hey I heard what happened with you and Paul." He said. "What about it?" I asked. "You can't blame him, it's not like he can control it." He said. "I know, but it still hurts. Can you come and talk to me?" I asked. "Sure, meet me by the border." He said. I hung up and ran back to the border. Jared stood there with a kind smile. I walked up to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and let his chin rest on the top of my head. "You okay now?" He asked. "Yeah, you should probably head back, your imprint might get worried." I said stuffing my hands in my pockets. "Actually we need you to meet the newest pack members." Jared said in an excited tone. "Okay." I said. We walked to the reservation and I feel someone with a attitude. "Must be Leah." I said aloud. "Yeah she's been kinda shut off and bitchy." Jared said laughing. I slapped the back of his head and he grabbed it. "That hurt ya know." He said. "Good. Don't make fun of her, she's been through a lot." I said. I walked over to Sam and noticed Paul across the beach with Rachel. I felt my heart break again, but it's happened so many times already. "Natalie I want you to meet Seth and Leah Clearwater." Sam said introducing the two of them. Seth's gaze went blank as he looked at me. I could feel Jared and Sam tense up, but I refused to read their minds. I made them a promise that I wouldn't. I shrugged it off and held out my hand for a handshake. "The name's Natalie." I greeted. Seth shook my hand and quickly walked away. "What was that all about?" I asked. "You'll find out eventually." Jared said with a smirk. I shook my head and walked off in the direction of where Jake was. He was moping on a log with Leah. "Jake I know it's hard." I said sitting down next to him. "She'll forgive him any chance she can get, but she pouts and doesn't even attempt to forgive you." I said putting my hand on his. "Thanks Nat." He said putting an arm around my shoulders. "No problem Jake." I said. Me and him had become like siblings, but we had one fight and it was bad.

I heard Jake come in with Bella at his side. "Natalie!" She shouted running in front of me. I didn't want to go with Edward and I was the only person he wanted to take. "Yeah?" I asked. "Where is he? Has he asked about me? What's his new number?" She asked hurriedly. "Like I would tell you." I said. She shoved me, but ended up falling backwards. "Why won't you?!" She asked loudly. The other pack members froze and Jake looked sad. Anger filled my entire body. "He left you for a reason Bella! He doesn't like you, and he's better off without you! Why can't you just forget him and actually love someone who is good for you?!" I screamed at her. "You're just jealous because he chose me over you!" She shouted back. I grabbed her by her throat and pinned her against the wall. "Natalie NO! Paul get her out of here!" Sam ordered. Paul ran over and pried my hand from her throat and pulled me outside. "Natalie what were you thinking?" Jake asked angrily. "Your gonna blame me for reacting like that. Do you know what it's like to know that it was true?" I asked. He glared at me and I glared back. "She doesn't deserve that kinda treatment." He said. "She deserves every moment, she isn't good for any of us. She is nothing, but a stupid human." I said. "Just give her a chance, you're overreacting." Jacob said with a frown. "Fuck off Jake." I said punching him in the face. I walked off and I could hear Paul shouting my name.

"Bella will just keep pulling you in and pushing you away. She'll eventually throw away everyone to be with Edward." I explained. "You're probably right, but I still have hope." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked away from him. I passed Seth and could feel him stressed out about something. I grabbed his wrist and he looked back at me. "It was nice to meet you Seth." I said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Uh, yeah nice to meet you too Natalie." He said. I walked into the woods and ran home. Rosalie greeted me with a tight hug. "We heard what happened." She said sympathetically. "I'll live." I said simply. "We really didn't think you would actually give up your mother's ring to let Edward propose to Bella." Rose said with a small smile. "I didn't." I said with a hint of confusion. "What? Edward already met up with her and asked." Rose said her smile turning into a small frown. "I don't even care anymore, I think I'm going to go live in Italy with the Voltori." I said tears threatening to fall from my face. "Natalie please don't go." Rose pleaded. "Why? I have nothing here. I love you Rose, but you aren't enough. I lost Edward, I lost Paul, and I lost the only thing that I had from my mother." I explained angrily. I walked into my room and started packing my clothes into my suitcase and duffel bags. I finished packing everything after an hour and heard a knock at my door. I opened it and was engulfed in a hug. "Sam?" I questioned. "You aren't leaving. I'm not letting you become a monster and a weapon." He whispered. "Who told you?" I asked sitting down on my bed. "Rosalie called us." He said. "Us?" Jared, Seth, Jake, Leah, Embry, Quil, and Emily all entered my room. "We all care about you too much to let you go. You are part of our pack. A bond that is unbreakable." Sam explained. I looked at all of them. "Plus you're the only vampire that doesn't stink and who is actually cool." Embry said with a laugh. I smiled at all of them. "You're like my little sister and I wouldn't want you to leave." Jake said getting me emotional. "Thank you guys, but I don't think I'll be able to stay with the Cullens any longer." I explained standing up. "That's why you're staying with me." Sam replied smiling. I ran to him and hugged him and then stood in front of Emily. "Thank you." I said hugging her. She hesitated, but wrapped her arms around me. "I don't eat so you don't have to worry about making more food than you usually do and I can help you cook." I said smiling at her. "Great, I need all the help I can get." She said looking over at the boys while they smiled innocently. I laughed at them and smiled at my family.

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