Chapter 3

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Natalie's POV
I was watching over Seth and we were taking steps at a time. "Easy. Are you sure you wanna try walking?" I asked as I held his warm hands in my cold ones making sure he didn't fall. "I may as well try to." He said focusing on keeping his balance. I let go of his hands and let him shuffle, but caught him after he fell. "It was worth a try." I said helping him up and back to the couch. "You know I heard what you were saying about me when I was asleep." He said looking at me. I could feel my cheeks heat up and I just played with my fingernails. "Well it's true. You're lucky you have a vampire like me on your side." I said smiling at him. He smiled back and I heard a warning howl come from outside. "Hey you think you'll be okay on your own?" I asked looking at the door. Jake ran into the house and his eyes were wide. Seth nodded and me and Jacob started running to the border. "What's going on?" I asked. "Your brother demanded to see you or he would cross the border." He explained. I mentally face palmed and I stopped as soon as I saw the rest of the wolves growling at Edward. His eyes softened from the glare he was sending my pack as soon as he saw me. I glared at him and he had a hurt look on his face. "What is it Edward? I thought I made it clear when I said I didn't want to see you or Bella ever again." I snapped angrily. "Natalie you don't truly realize how much you mean to me and how much I miss you." He said. "How much I mean to you! If I meant anything to you or how much you missed me you would've killed Bella as soon as Alice had that vision! It's your fault that everyone including Bella looks at Jasper differently ever since you brought her to the house for her birthday!" I screamed while anger ran through my body. I was so close to snapping and tearing him to pieces. "You don't understand the connection me and Bella have." He said. I crossed the border as shoved him as hard as I could into a tree. He ran back at me and had a firm grip on my throat. I could hear cracks signaling his was close to pulling my head off my body. His grip released on me as I heard the loudest set of growls ever. I looked up and Seth and Jacob's wolves were standing in front of me protectively. I looked at Edward who was backing away and I looked at the ground and felt darkness taking over my vision. 

Jacob's POV
Edward ran away quickly and I looked down at Natalie who had passed out. I went to walk behind a tree, but Seth beat me and was already in shorts. He picked her up bridal style and we all walked back to Sam's. Seth set Natalie down on the couch put a blanket over her. "Her brother is crazy. Why would he ever do that to his own sister." Seth ranted angrily. "Hey calm down you don't want to phase here." I said putting and hand on his shoulder. "I'm gonna go for a walk." He muttered walking out of the house.

Natalie's POV
I heard slight murmurs and warmth cover my entire body. I opened my eyes to see the whole pack silently talking to each other. "Hey." I said sitting up. "You're okay." Jake said coming to my side. "Yeah thanks, where's Seth?" I asked looking around. "He got upset and went for a walk." Jake explained. I looked at the pack and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Thank you all for caring so much about a leech like me." I said wiping it away and smiling. They all smiled or nodded and Jake helped me get up from the couch. "I think I'm going to go thank Seth for what he did." I said starting to walk out of the house. "Watch out he's a new one so be careful." Jared warned. I nodded and walked out to see Seth pacing the beach. I walked over to him and I brought him into a hug. He hugged me back and I released my death grip on him. "Thank you for saving me Seth. I never thought I would see the day that a wolf saved a vampire, but guess we're all different." I said smiling at him. He gave a nod, but kept a stern expression. "What's up?" I asked. He sat down on a log and I sat next to him. "It's really hard to see your own brother hurt you like that. Me and Leah might get sick of each other, but we would never dream of trying to kill each other." He said starting to get upset again. "Calm down Seth. It's a mate thing, you mess with a vampire's mate or blood singer something snaps inside of them that makes them do stupid stuff. Even so I'm as pissed at Edward as you are. He's a crazy wreck honestly now that I think about it." I said nudging him with my shoulder. "It doesn't matter to me anymore, he stopped being my brother as soon as he got with Bella." I said shrugging it off. "Whatever you say, but I swear to god if he lays another finger on you or the rest of the pack he's as good as dead." Seth said calming down slightly. I put a hand on his shoulder and he calmed down completely. "Thanks, your powers can really help us with rage issues." He said with a nervous laugh. I nodded and I watched waves roll in. "You know I never really understood why the pack doesn't want you to read their minds." Seth said. "You guys are all connected telepathically and don't have much privacy from each other, me on the other hand I can read your guy's minds if I wanted. I choose not to so you at least have a little privacy." I explained. "Guess that makes sense." He got up walked away from me, but I stayed and continued to watch the ocean. "Natalie the Cullen's are back at the border." Jake yelled. I turned into a giant wolf and started to run with the rest of the pack to the border. I went behind a tree and put on some clothes. I stepped out and everyone including Bella were standing on the other side. I glared at her and she hid behind Edward who wouldn't look at me. "What do you need?" I asked. "Someone's making a newborn army and they plan to try and hurt Bella." Carlisle explained. "Why would we help you after everything Edward or Bell has done to me and the pack?" I snarled angrily. "Because the wolves imprints are in trouble." Carlisle said sadly.

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