The Gun Store

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They headed to Max's apartment, to find nothing, just a few supplies, but no pets at all... all there was, was corpses of dead pets. There was only one zombie in the building, which Nitro took out with a fire axe. "Let's head towards the gun store" Nitro said. "Okay" Ozone replied. They went out of the apartment, and got into one of the taxis that were nearby.

After driving for a few minutes, they arrived. "Okay, let's not split up" Ozone suggested. "Okay" Nitro replied. They scouted the whole store, and found a AR-15, and a AK-74U carbine. There was also some soda, a Coke and Pepsi "Okay, let's go get-" A bullet went right between them. Within a split-second, Nitro had his AK pointed at the threat, and without taking a second thought, pulled the trigger. The suppressor on the AK silenced the bullet, and then, the dog fell to the ground on its back, with a hole on his forehead. His eyes were that white glaze color. There was blood dripping out of the bullet hole . "A bandit..." Nitro said, lowering his gun. The dog was a pet, and its collar read, "Donald" It was a Rat Terrier. "Well, guess we'll take his loot.." Ozone said There wasn't much, but there was some sardines and two MRE's. "He must have been at the Military Airfield. They found two GPS and two maps. He even had two military helmets. "Its best for us to wear these" Ozone suggested" "Indeed" Nitro replied.

And then, the two cats ate their food, and sodas. "Where should we head next?" Ozone replied. "Military Air-" Nitro was cut short when another bullet flew. It hit him in the head.

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