Ch:1 My Life (Ava)

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Hey my lovely people. Before you start reading this story I want you guys to know it means a lot that your reading it. I would love if you guys would comment throughout the story. By doing that it would allow me to make it better and help me write it to your liking.
The reason I don't put any pictures of the person if because I want you guys to imagine what your think they look like for yourself. Let your imaginations fly. Anyway hope you enjoy.
Ava's POV:
I toss and turn in my bed all night and get no sleep. Its finally morning and I have to get up and get ready for school. I get out of bed and slowly walk into the bathroom. Being sure not to rush to much so the pain will subside. I stand and look in the mirror at myself. The scares and bruises on my body are more noticeable then ever. Except on my face.

Everyone knows not to hit me there much or people would start asking questions. Its not like anyone ever does. But sometimes im not so lucky. A lot of people at the school hates me. Well let me rephrase that, everybody at the school hates me. I don't get why. Maybe it's because I'm shy or because I get all good grades. A 'nerd' as they called it.

Besides the beatings and criticism I get at school. It doesn't even begin to compare what happens at home. My mom died when I was 14. My dad, my mom and me were one big happy family. But That all changed when she passed. He became depressed and fell apart. He wasn't himself anymore and was lost without my mom.

He had started drinking a lot which causes a lot of his everyday behavior. He has always blamed me for what happened to mom. Always saying it was because I wasn't good enough for them or because I was always a failure. I've learned to except it. If that's what he thinks then he must be right.

He drilled into my brain that I deserved everything that happened to me. I had no other family close to here that I could live with. No friends I could turn to with my problems. I've just always been alone ever since that fateful day. Before this happened I was happy. I had friends and family that loved me.

But then my life took a turn for the worst. When my mom died my dad made us move, away from all our friends and family. I had to live in a town of strangers. I knew nobody. The beatings started a year ago. Because of this, I became distant of the world and talked to nobody and I guess people considered me as a freak and a weirdo.

My dad brings home girls almost every week. Even they would hit me every once in a while. He would do nothing about it since he always told me I deserved it because I did something wrong for it to happen. Or I was disrespectful in some way. I have just learned to except that fact over this time period.

Sometimes I just wish that this had never happened. I would find myself becoming angry with my mom and blamed this all on her. If she had never died I would still be happy. But I would always come to my senses and realize this wasn't her fault. She hadn't asked for it either.

*bang bang bang*

I flinch and my heart stops at the sudden banging I hear on my bedroom door. It could only be one person and one person only. I always dreaded to hear his voice. Because when I do, it could only mean nothing but bad.

"Come unlock this door you little ugly freak"

I hesitate to remove my self from the bathroom and to my bedroom door. I knew what was about to come. A shiver runs down my spine as I think of some way to get out of this situation. Fear over took my body as I hear him repeatedly bang on the door. My father.

The one who was supposed to love and protect me. But instead causes me pain and terror. I sometimes wonder how he is able to do the things that he does. I thought blood was to never turn on each other. I always wonder why he could never love me anymore, like a father should.

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