Not An Update/Read

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*Ok so look, you guys can read this if you want but I'm not forcing you too*

*Play song^^*

It's sad, some of the stuff people go through in this world. Especially kids and teens. To feel that they don't belong because of the words or actions of people. To feel that they have no one to lean on when they're sad or troubled and needing someone to talk to. Wishing for someone to sit and listen to their problems without having to worry about the criticism or judgment.

Wondering why everyone seems to hate them just because they're different or not like everyone else or not as popular. I just don't get the world now and days. Now some people might say "you're young and you dont know what your talking about". But I do and I do very much and more then most people. Some of y'all just don't understand the pain that some people hold and keep inside.

The regrets, the sorrow the hurt, the pain. Do you realize the things that eat away at people my or any age! The bs that people go through! And some of you just have the dang nerve to choose and make it worse on them by doing the crap that you do. But y'all need to realize that what you say and do affects people.

And I totally get that sometimes people don't mean any harm. But you never know what a person might be going through behind closed doors. You might not realize that you are the person pushing them farther then they're able to go.

Just take a second and realize that everyone goes through something.
Wether it's big small. From low self esteem to the lost of a family member. Use your brains before you speak or do.

You guys need to realize that words are just as worst as actions. Are y'all really that narrow minded to where you don't see the affect that hurtful certain comments, actions and words cause. So you would rather have someone end up feel worthless, wishing they were dead just a get a freaking good laugh out of it?!

Is your supposable 'joy' really worth the pain that you're causing a person. And listen, I get some teens, kids, adults would say "I've been through a lot so I deserve to take the anger out on other people". So what you're trying to tell me is that you want to make the people around you feel the way you do?

You want to use them to feel better about yourself? Do you seriously want other people to feel the pain you feel everyday of your life? For them to feel like trash when they don't deserve it just as you don't. If that's what you want then you need to rethink your attitude towards life.

Instead of using that method why don't you try and mend your broken heart with the help of the people you love most. The people you know would never turn their backs on you. The people you know you can trust. Instead of causing the son or daughter of a father and mother your pain and sorrow.

Realize that you don't deserve what you're going through and neither does anybody else. I just hate hearing about situations where people think they have no one to lean on. That they wish they could end it right there since their hated by everyone.

Even the people who were supposed to hold, care and protect them. Sometimes I wish I could just take their burdens off their shoulder and put them on mine just for a while.

Give them the little peice of hope they need to keep pushing forward without giving up. I simply try my hardest to help them by befriending them. Talking them through their problems. Even if I don't know them.

Letting them know that there is in fact somebody in the world who cares. Letting them know that they'll never have to be alone again because I'll always be there to talk if they ask.

Making them realize that it's not worth it to take their life. Helping them the best I can because.........I don't want to see them go through the same thing I had too.

Ok so this was just a very touchy and sensitive topic for me. I've just been getting so pissed off about this so I decided to speak on it. Look, I just want to let anybody know that if you're struggling, on your last strand of hope just pm me or something and I'll try and get back to you.

I just can't sit and do nothing abt it when I know I would want somebody to do the same for me. And listen, this is my opinion on things and everyone has different ones. I just ask that you dont come on here and criticize the way I think just because it's not the same opinion as yours.

Anyway I partly dedicate this speech to someone very special. We have a bond tighter then a sisters and I don't know where I'd be without her and that somebody is Someone_In_Words I freaking love her to death. But anyway yeah I'll catch you guys later. When I'm not as moody lol byee😊❤!!

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