My Boyfriend's A What Now?!

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Tales of the Nothingness I Call My Life

Wednesday, November 15, 2009


Today, I met the boy that answered all of my prayers. He has light brown, longish swoopy hair and amazingly blue eyes. He was wearing jeans with a hole over his left knee and a white T-shirt with a zip-up hoodie. Somehow I had never seen him before which is nearly impossible in a small school like mine. His name is Scott. He wanted to be called Snake, but when I told him I liked Scott better, he changed his mind. I have not told the evil thing yet because I met him behind the school during fifth period. (That's when I usually have wood shop. I would absolutely love the class, but I was avoiding someone in it.) We talked for what seemed like hours about bands and the best places for great music. Then he asked me why I was skipping class. When I hesitated he said he understood if I didn't want to tell him, but I felt compelled so he could leave when he had the chance. I told him all about Thomas, my abusive, jock strap of a boyfriend. At lunch he had forced me to make out with him. Then he tied my hands behind my back and did things to me that I'm trying desperately to forget. Scott got so angry that he punched the brick wall behind him so hard I was worried he had broken his hand. After a minute, he calmed down. He sat on the ground and patted his lap for me to sit on. When I sat down next to him, he picked me up and put me on his lap! We were looking into each other's eyes, and I knew he was going to kiss me. At first his kiss was soft and sweet, but then, it grew harder and more passionate. I don't know how long we were making out, but when he pulled away, I felt like I still wanted more. He said it was getting late and he should probably take me home.

His black 1969 Corvette was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It had bright red leather lining and a mahogany dash. Seeing him in it was utterly the sexiest thing I have ever seen. When we got to my house he walked me to the gate. He kissed me one last time and gave me a rose with a slip of paper in it (he had just pulled out a pocket knife and cut the rose off of our neighbor's rose bush, but it was still really sweet). He said it was his cell number and told me to call him in an hour.

Five minutes later

It is impossible waiting this long! I can't stand it!!!!!! I might even have to my Spanish homework!!!!!!!!!!


I dialed his number. It seemed like the phone was ringing for an eternity I was thinking, What if he lost his phone? What will I say if I have to leave a message? What if he gave me the wrong number as some kind of cruel joke? And then he answered.

"Hello?" gah! His voice was sooo dreamy!

I said, "Hey its Sam, you wanted me to call you so I did, but is this a bad time because it took you awhile to get to the phone..."

He cut me off by saying, "Sam, Sam, breath. Everything's okay. The reason I didn't get to the phone that quickly was because I was in the shower." Ohmygiddygodspajamas! He was in the shower! That means he's probably just wearing a towel! This is amazing! I wonder what his chest looks like. Is it muscular? Does he have a six pack? If he does I will die!

"Sam? Are you still there?" oh my god. I was thinking and I wasn't saying anything so he was just waiting for me to reply to a question I didn't hear because of my mental rambling! Stupid Sam! Stupid, stupid Sam!

I said, "Oh sorry I was just thinking. Did you ask me a question?"

He said, "Yeah, my parents are out of town all day tomorrow and I was wondering, would you want to come over after school?" what to say? What to say?! Of course I want to go but I can't say that! I'll seem too eager! Gah! Why are boys so hard to handle?

So I said, "Sure why not? I would love to come over." Oh no! That was what I was talking about when I said I didn't want to sound too eager! Why? Why? Why?!

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