My Boyfriend's A What Now?!

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~In Scott's Car~

Scott, Tiff, and I were riding towards my house when suddenly the black van that had been riding our bumper sped up and swerved in front of us coming to a dead stop so we had to stop also. An extremely pale guy with longish black hair and dressed in all black hopped out and started jogging towards Scott's car. Scott looked tense, so i asked him what was wrong, but he just shook his head quickly and gave me the sign for 'later' in signlanguage.

The guy reached the car and motioned for Scott to roll down the window. "Scottie! How are ya buddy?!," he said excitedly.

"I've been better since i lost touch with you, Sven. What do you want?," Scott replied with venom in his voice.

"Whoa, chill man. I haven't seen you in a couple months and was just checking up on you to see how you got settled in. Headmisstress Haglethorne sent me." Sven reassured. What?! Headmisstress Haglethorne?! Who the hell is that?! "I see you've already made some new, nice looking friends." he eyed me and Tiff, raised his eyebrows at us somewhat suggestively and smirked. Tiff giggled and I squirmed in disgust. He chuckled at our reactions.

Scott looked just as digusted as I felt, "Well you've checked in on me and now you know that I'm doing just fine. My life isn't your business anymore and you're not welcome in it. I suggest you leave now, or I'll have to physically force you to." Scott warned.

"Oooo, I'm soo scared!" Sven mocked, "I know all your moves Scott, we trained together for six and a half years. Not that you noticed. Oh no, you were too busy being top of the class and falling in love with Breanna." What? Who's this Breanna chick he's talking about?! Scott said he's never had another girlfriend!

"I didn't love Bre. Our relationship was strictly professional." Scott said. Oh. Okay then.

"Oh, but she didn't feel that way did she Scott? And it just broke her little heart when she found out you didn't feel the same way. And that's why I had to tell her who you really were Scott, I just couldn't see her hurt like that. Its too bad she killed herself after you got blacklisted because she would never see you again. What a shame too, she was quite pretty." Sven said while looking right into Scott's eyes.

"Okay Sven, you asked for it." Scott said under his breath. He punched Sven in the face as hard as he could, which was pretty hard, causing him to stummble back. While Scott had the chance, he made a U-turn and sped off coming thisclose to running over Sven's foot.


~At My House~

None of us talked the whole way to my house; I was in shock, I think Tiff was fantasizing Sven but you can never be sure what's going on inside her head, and Scott just looked tense and deep in thought.

"Scott?" I asked timidly once we got to my house and Tiff was distracted by the flat-screen TV in my living room.

"Yeah sweetheart?" he answered distractedly.

"Who was that Sven guy? How do you know him?"

"He.." Scott took in a deep breath and let it out as a sigh the started over. "I should tell you the truth, starting from the very begining." Oh no... "I haven't been going to school in the Seatle School District all my life." I knew it! "When i was really little, my birth parents were killed in our home while I was sleeping. The killer obviously didn't think of me as a threat because they dropped me off at the local orphanage. I was put into foster home after foster home, but all of them were either abusive or didn't care enough to even give me a sufficient amount of food. I had always been a smart kid and was usually the top of my class, and when a letter came for me saying i got a scholarship to a spy academy bording school, I thought of it as a chance to get away from the horrible foster families and a way to test my brainpower skills." Oh. My. God. He's a spy?! "Little did I know, the headmisstress had been keeping an eye on me ever since my parents were killed, because they were the best spy team the school and agency had ever seen."

"So you just went to the school and that's that? Why aren't you at the school now? Why are you here? Are you on a mission?" I asked in rapid succession.

"No, I'm not on a mission and will never be again. I was assigned one, I was supposed to get close to a girl named Breanna so I could protect her and her mother who was a very important figure and sponsor of the school and was in danger." so that's who Breanna is! "Sven, who was second in the class, was jealeous that I got assigned such an important mission and that part of it was to get close to a very pretty girl, who he had met before and had feelings for. He made it look like I was begining to have unprofessional feelings for her myself and gained her trust. He then told her that we were both spies, but convinced her to only reveal that she knew about me and not that it was him who told her. Of course, this got me blacklisted, kicked out of the school, and deported to Seatle, Washington USA, where i was given a house and a steady job at a local office building in the mailroom." WOW..

"You Won't get in trouble for telling mre any of this will you?" I asked.

"I'm not supposed to, but they can't do anything more to me since I've already been blacklisted" He answered reassuringly. "I think Sven is up to somthing though, I don't know what, but nobody's contacted me since i moved in, and blacklisted agents are never spoken of again. Somethings up and I hope it doesn't put you in danger because I'm too selfish to let you go anywhere yet." I awwed at him and pecked him on the lips.

"Will you two love birds break it up so we can go get some food? My stomach's going to eat itself if I don't eat soon." Tiff said toatally oblivious to what Scott was talking about not two minutes ago.

"Yeah, let's head over to Sonic or something, I could use a blizzard right about now." I agreed.

"Okay, let's go." Scott said while grabbing his keys and wrapping his arm around my waist.


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