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My mind was racing as I paced back and fourth in my room, pulling at my hair. Today is Woof's birthday, and I have nothing to give him! What do I do?

"What's on your mind Frags?" M'ayris' annoyed voice echoes from the bed. Letting out an annoyed huff, I stop pacing and turn to look at the small female. She was lounging on my stiff mattress, attempting to tame her curly brunette locks in a braid.

"It's Woof's birthday, and I don't have anything to give him," I mutter, letting out a sigh.

The girl looks at me with raised eyebrows, holding her unfinished braid with one of her hands. "You know very well he's perfectly fine with people just wishing him a 'happy birthday.' He's not Mi'kai."

"I know, but I feel like I need to give him something. Something special." My voice trails off as I try to think about what to give him.

"I have an idea," M'ayris states before going back to braiding her hair, "tell him how you feel." My face heats up and I stare at the girl in shock. How? How does she know?


The girl doesn't even wait for me to finish talking. "And while you're at it, give the boy a kiss for me. I'm sure that'll make his day." Her tone of voice changed as she spoke, as if something had made her sad.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," the small girl states quickly before securing her now finished braid with a black ribbon. "I'm going to go train before they send guards to fetch me. See you in a few hours Frags." She flashes me a quick smile before darting out of the room and closing the door behind her. What was all that about? Did I upset her?
My heart races, and my hands grow clammy as I wait for Woof to get out of training. Every minute that passes by seems to last for years as I stare at the door in front of me. Did I come too early?

My train of thought is interrupted by a conversation in the weird language Woof speaks in, and I look down the hallway to see Fvendal speaking with an old looking man. A guard stood nearby as the two spoke, his eyes not leaving Fvendal. The old man makes Fvendal laugh and hands him a stack of papers. Fvendal looks at the papers curiously, smiling at the man before being lead away by the guard. What were they talking about? Who's that man?

"Frags? What are you doing over here?"  I look back to see Woofless standing beside me, his tired looking eyes shine with curiosity.

"I wanted to wish you a happy birthday," I say bashfully, avoiding his gaze as nerves surge through my body worse than before. Why am I so nervous?

"Thank you Frags," he smiles fondly at me before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "So now the lie is out of the way, why are you really here?"

My gaze veers over to the door to see M'ayris walking out of it, wiping her forehead with a towel. She winks at me before tossing the towel over her shoulder and walking passed us. I'm going to cut off all her hair if she keeps this up.

"I have something I want to tell you," I finally manage to spit out.

"What is it?" Woof's gaze grows worried as he looks at me.

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