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I feel sick to my stomach as I look back at the fight. M'ayris was standing again,  looking back at Frags with a neutral expression. I bite my lip to keep from calling out to the small girl; it's too dangerous to distract her right now.

The fight didn't last much longer. All it took was one round-house kick to the back of her head, and M'ayris fell to the ground unconscious. The first time M'ayris has ever been knocked unconscious in a fight was against one of her best friends.

The silence was immediately broken the second M'ayris fell to the ground. Cheers erupt from the audience, and worried murmurs echo amongst the people in our graduating class. I'm not surprised by this though; M'ayris has never lost a fight that badly.

My gaze moves to where Frags stood. His bruised face showed no emotions as he looked down at his unconscious friend; his eyes showed no fear, no regret, as if he was no longer the man who feared hurting his friends.

"Woofless, you're up." The sergent's voice echoes through the back of my head. I barely noticed the call myself, but it seems my body moved into the rink instinctively. My gaze was on the small, curly-haired girl that was being carried away on a stretcher until she left the building. Taking a deep breath, I turn my attention toward the orange-eyed teen named Frags.

"Hey," I say with a smile as he gets into a fighting stance.

"Hello, Woofless." Frags' voice was off. In fact, everything about him was different from his fighting stance to the way his eyes looked at me. It was as if I was fighting someone else entirely.

"Why are you calling me 'Woofless?' I thought I told you it was ok to call me Woof," I mutter as I dodge his punch. When did the fight start?

"Come on, my Prince." Frags sneers. "Don't tell me you're going to run from me like you did with your kingdom."

I narrow my eyes at him before attempting to trip him with an outstretched foot. "I didn't run." The orange-eyes teen jumps over my foot and I duck down before he could kick me in the head.

"Oh come on, Little Woofy. We both know you're a coward on the inside. Just like Fvendal, and just like your father. It must run in the Craft family." I narrow my eyes at him before taking a step back. I never told him about Fvendal, let alone that I was called "Little Woofy" in the Merchant's Guild.

"Who are you, and what are you doing to him?" I ask in my native tongue.

"It breaks my heart that you doubt who I am, Woofless. Do you really need to speak a language this boy doesn't understand?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"You know exactly who I am, Woofless."


I feel a sense of peace as I look around at the landscape. Tall jungle trees towered overhead, providing shade from the scorching sun that blazed through holes in the leaves. The bitter sent of cocoa hits my nose, and I feel a pang of home-sickness. I'm on Zion? But that doesn't make sense. Zion burned down with all the other islands, and I was just fighting Frags on the mainland...

Wasn't I?

I turn around to see the smiling faces of my parents. "Hello, May." My father's voice sounded different as he spoke. He had an accent that sounded similar to the accent Fvendal had. The same accent Papa had.

"Mom? Dad?" I ask cautiously, taking a step toward the two.

"You look so beautiful," my mother exclaims, covering her face with her hands. She also had an accent, but it sounded different from Dad's. This isn't real...
They're dead...

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