The texts

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Me: hey jack what's up?
Jack: not a lot um well mom is at work and we need tot get to the airport to grab Katie does the twins have a parent or a adult to drive?
Me: um well they do have the rest of team ten I will ask!
10 minutes later.
Me: so Erika is taking me do u want picked up and also the twins are going.
Me: jack hello dude.
Jack: who jack wrong number this is jade who are you.
Kayli: umm nobody I'm his ex BFF!
Jade: then why in this phone does it say sissy?
Me: because we were good friends I um I have to go!

After a while I'm sitting in jakes car with Erika and jake up front and me with Emilio. I picked Emilio to come because I like Ivan. I also think they will hit it off. Emilio is crazy and cool but Ivan he's like a gentleman and I really like him.
We already picked up Katie we are going to the pier and we had to get in jakes truck so Ivan could come. We told chance Anthony and Tessa to come too. I also got a friend of my mine to come so anthony wasn't lonely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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