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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

The next day the whole school was talking about Yugi and Rachel. As they entered the school grounds, everyone looked at them and started clapping and cheering and taking pictures of them holding hands.

Rachel and Yugi quickly made it to class.

"I wonder what's that all about?"

Yugi questioned

"No clue"

Rachel said sitting on top of Yugi's desk and Yugi just sat down on his chair looking up at Rachel as she was chewing a gum. He then had an idea

"Hey, Rachel you forgot to give me my morning kiss"

"Oh right, sorry"

"Just leaned down"

Rachel caught Yugi's lips into a kiss, their tongues were battling and in the end Yugi won and he began exploring her mouth causing her to moan. The lack of air cause them both to pull apart, Rachel smirk biting her lips.

"You're getting good"

"I'm glad I satisfy you"

Rachel was about to say something until a blowing pop came out of Yugi's mouth. That's when she realize that Yugi took her gum from her mouth.


Yugi laugh at her realization

"You could have ask me if you wanted one, you didn't have to steal it from my mouth"

"Then where would the fun be in that?"

Yugi said leaning up close to Rachel's face until both of their noses were touching. The class bell rang and all the all the students started coming in greeting Rachel and Yugi. Rachel got off the desk and sat her sit, still holding hands with Yugi.

Lunch time came around and the young couple were sitting under the tree eating their lunch together, also enjoying some talk, jokes and laughs.

The moment was ruined when Tea, walked up to them. Rachel turned her head away glaring at the ground. Yugi got confused on the look of Rachel's face until he looked up and saw Tea.

"Hey Tea"

"Yugi, do you mind if we talk in our table alone?"

"Sure, Rach can you wait for me here?"

Rachel rolled her eyes


Yugi then got up and followed Tea to where his other friends are at.

"Listen Yug we have to talk about your relationship with Rachel"

Joey said

"What about it?"

"Yug can't you see she is just using you. I mean look she doesnt even want all to hang out with because she knows that we are going to find out her plan"

"Guys there is no plan, Rachel just doesn't like big crowds"

"We haven't hang out for the longest Yugi, your whole time is with her"

Tristan said annoyed

"Well I'm sorry guy, really I am but whether you like it or not im in a relationship and its going to take my time. I'll try and make it up to you guys"

"And what about this?!"

Tea yelled catching everyone's attention. She through the magazine on the table, and Yugi looked at it and smiled.

"That would be me and Rachel, what does that have to ...."

Tea cut Yugi off angrily

"She wants attention and is using the King of Games to boost up her fame, just because you are known!"

"Lower your voice I am right here next to you. Paparazzi's follow Rachel everywhere, she tries to get away from them but she also wants to live a normal life."

(Shark Tale Scene - Angie and Oscar fight)

"You are just making up excuses for her. Just tell me, Yugi, because I'm curious - why do you think she's interested, huh? Do you think, for one minute, that she would even be WITH you if you weren't the rich and famous King of Games?

Joey trying to intervene

"Awww, you guys, please don't fight..."

"Are you that blind?"

Tea said to Yugi

"At least she treats me like I'm somebody"

Yugi said standing up

"Yeah, well would she love you if you were nobody?"

"NOBODY loved me when I was nobody!"

"I DID!"

(Ending Shark Tale Scene- Angie and Oscar fight)

Tea yelled letting her tears fall. Yugi put his head down in shame and then looked up.

"No you didn't, you loved Atem not me. You were confused, you made me confuse but in the end it was always Atem. I just look like him, that's all"

Yugi then walked away, walking towards Rachel who was standing. Everyone else went back to their lunch. Rachel smiled but her smiled disappeared when she saw the look on Yugi's face.

"Hey is everything okay?"

"No, I think I might lose my friends"

Yugi said sadly. Rachel then had sympathy and then finally took a deep breath.

"Okay, listen I am going to do this for you and only for you. Im going to try and be friends with your friends. How does that sound?"

Yugi looked at Rachel surprise

"Really, you'll mean it?"

"Of course, its kind of my fault from pulling you away from your crowd. So I'm willing to try your life style."

Yugi then pulled Rachel into a big hug making him smile again.

"Thank you so much"

"You are worth it Yugi. So when do I meet them?"

"After School"

Yugi said excitedly

"And then we can all catch up at Burger World"


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