Social Media

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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Yugi made it to the movie theaters and was happy to see Joey, Tristan and Bakura was there but no sign of Rachel.

"You think maybe she's inside?"

Bakura asked they been waiting for an hour.

"I don't think so, she would have texted me. I think the movie night is canceled sorry"

Yugi said

"Hey don't worry about, it was a lot of fun over there at the concert"

Joey said grinning. Bakura and Tristan said their goodbyes and Joey walked Yugi home saying goodbyes. Yugi walked up to his room closing the door deciding to call Rachel to make sure she's okay.

'Ring, Ring'

~ Hello?

~Hey Babe its me


~So what happened after the concert? I thought we agreed after the concert we head to the movie theater?

~Some things came up and I wasn't feeling too good

~Oh I understand, but are you feeling okay?

~I'll be fine by tomorrow

~Are you sure? It sounds like you been crying?

~I said I'm fine

~Okay sorry. Will I see you at school tomorrow beautiful



~Gotta go

~Okay, I love you


The phone hanged up and Yugi was confused, Rachel always says I love you in return but this time she didn't. 'Some thing is up.' he thought.

*Next Day*
At school everyone was talking about the concert, they were pictures plastered everywhere on social media. Yugi was confuse when everyone started gossiping about him.

Joey ran up to Yugi

"Hey Joey, what's going on?"

"That's what I would like to know? What is this?"

Joey stuck a magazine article on Yugi face, he grabbed it to take a closer look. It was the concert showing him and Vivian Wong kissing in the crowd and Rachel was looking right at them.

Yugi was stunned

"No it was a big misunderstanding, Vivian forced a kiss on me"

"Well that's not what the social media is talking about and besides look at this its live right now at Rachel's house."

Joey showed Yugi his phone a live video playing.

"Rachel! Rachel! Is this the end of your relationship with Yugi Muto? Will you be leaving Domino City? Do you know Vivian Wong? What is your reaction to this photo?"

The put the magazine article on Rachel's face, she was on the verge of tears and her face was heart broken. Rachel quickly went back inside her home slamming the door and locking it. Closing on the curtains to her home.

Joey took his phone back, Yugi was stunned and heartbroken.

"No, I-I need to go talk to her now"

Joey put a hand on Yugi's shoulder hoping to calm him down.

"Just give her some time"

"No, I'll go after school"

"You want me to come with you?"

"I'm sorry but no this is between me and Rachel only. I am not going to leave her just because of what they say on social media"

*After School*
Yugi quickly ran to Rachel's home and knocked it was still lock.

"Who ever it is go away?!"

"Rachel its me, Yugi, let me in"

"I have nothing to say to you, look at what your stupidity brought me"

"Just let me explain, please I don't want to lose you over a misunderstanding and i know you don't want to lose me either."

Behind the door Rachel was debating whether to let him in or not, but he did have a point she didn't want to lose him, might as well hear what he had to say. Rachel took a deep breathe and opened the door to see Yugi holding a pink rose to her.

Rachel ignored the flower and let him in.

"In case you didnt know this rose is for you"

Yugi said settling it on top of the coffee table that was filled up with tissues and just by the look on Rachel's face he can tell she been crying.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Vivian had force herself on me and kissed me. I have no proof, well theirs the pictures but that makes me look bad"

"Yugi ......what do you want me to do? Just forget all of this like​ it never happen? I don't even know if i can trust you again"

Yugi walked up to Rachel getting a hold of both her hands and got on his knees.

"Rachel please you are the best thing that ever happen to me and I don't want to lose you. Vivian forced herself on me, I ........I'm sorry, I know I can't change your mind but I'm asking you please give me a chance, what do you want me to do you name it?"

Rachel had tears coming down her eyes again and whispered

"Yugi, hold me just hold me please"

Yugi quickly got up and hugged Rachel tightly never letting her go, he then forced her to look into his eyes and he pushed his lips against hers, she hesitantly let him in and the kiss make out began, filled up with love and passion. They both pulled apart panting. Yugi leaned his forehead on hers repeating over and over.

"I love you, I'm sorry"

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