Chapter Two...Out There

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When we arrived we were pretty far from the road. We were buried deep into the woods. It was dark and the only light we really had was the car head lights. I was setting up Lilly and my tent when Julian and Matt decided to go find marshmallow sticks and wood for the fire. One of us are going to have to some how make. We aren't outside people. Why did I agree to this. Lilly and I sat there for a good thirty minutes waiting for one of the boys to come back and make a fire. I don't know about Lilly but I was freezing. "Yo lets go sit in the car and heat up?" She didn't want to and I didn't want to seem like a bitch leaving her out in the cold. We heard a crackle in the woods and I freaked out like there was no tomorrow. Well because shit there might not be. 

"Lilly did you hear that?"

"Yeah its and old forest settling." She said.

"This is not a joke what if its like a snake or something you hate snakes. What if we don't make it to see tomorrow!" I asked her frantically.

"If it were a snake it would have bit you." She said rubbing her arms up and down to keep herself warm. Another cracking sound was heard. 

"There's no way you didn't hear that one." I said attempting to walk closer to Lilly. I tripped over a fucking rock.

"Boo!" Two tall guys jumped out of the bush. My screams echoed through the sky. Oh wait- It was Matt and Julian. 

"You guys!" I rose to my feet, Lilly had been laughing for a good minute. I slapped both of their arms. "That wasn't funny!" I yelled at them. 

"Your scream oh my god!" Matt said in between his laughs. 

"That was great." Julian high fived Matt.

"You guys are a bunch of idiots. Can you just make this fire already I'm freezing."

"Yeah I got it." Said Matt still laughing to death.

It took him a good 7 tries to get that fire started. Even then it was a shitty fire. I was just happy to be a little warm. I went ad got my backpack full of food and found chocolate and marshmallows. Something was missing just don't know what. GRAM CRACKERS! What is wrong with me. How did I forget gram crackers?

"Slight problem guys...."

"What is it now?" Said Lilly tired as fuck.

"I forgot to pack gram crackers."

"I know you did so I got some from your dads store." Lilly said.

I made Matt his s'mores because his first few looked like a sticky mess. I was pleased with the ones I made. Perfectly golden brown marshmallows,the way the chocolate melted. Dude I'm like obsessed with food. Its all I brought really. I brought all you could ever bring on a camping trip. From hot dogs to salt. It was a big backpack with not enough space. Well I was tired so I went off to bed. Lilly followed behind me.

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