Chapter 1

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Hey.. I guess? Um.. I'm Selena. Selena Gomez. Yeah I'm the girl you saw on the news. The reason I'm here is, well i wanna set the story straight.

People always ask me "why would you do that?" Or "he was only a boy!". Well he's not. He's not only a boy. Justin Drew Bieber will never be only a boy. Not to me at least.

He was one of those people. The kind that come into your life and change every aspect of it. And you let them.

Maybe because you want them to stay. Or maybe you want them to love you. Or maybe you just don't want your life to go back to the way it was. Whatever your reason, you let them.

Anyway, the reason I'm here is to tell you what happened. Not just what the news and radio and papers covered, but all of it.

From the second I met him to the second he left. Maybe then, people will understand that he is not only a boy.

For you to fully understand, I'm going to take you back to the day I met him, the day of my 16th birthday.

I sat in the front seat of our new convertible car - new life, new car; that's my moms current state of mind- With sunglasses covering my eyes, I leaned my head back and stared at the beautiful clear sky. I was enjoying the serenity, when all of a sudden my mom blasted the radio - I think it was Tupac- and started head-banging, she looked so ridiculous that I just laughed at her and joined it. Why the hell not? No one knows us here.

"VIVA LA CALIFORNIA BITCH" my mom screamed.

"Oh god is this our life now?" I said sarcastically. I do that a lot. I'm a sarcastic human.

We drove through the valleys and along the beach until we reached our new house in Santa Monica. I got out of the car and took a deep breath.

"Momma?" I said in a baby voice.

"What?" My mom replied bluntly, knowing I wanted something.

"Can I go for a walk before I unpack?" I batted my eye lashes sweetly. My mom chuckled.

"And leave me to carry all your crap inside? Think again bud. Bring your boxes in then go" she instructed.

I sighed and began lugging my boxes inside. She's right, I did have a lot of crap. I walked into my new room. Holy crap it was huge.. And I had a balcony and a view of the beach, yes yes yes! I love it.

I left my boxes in the middle of the room and took a quick glance in the mirror. Shorts, check. Cute shirt, check. Doc martins, check. Sunglasses, check. Alright, let's go see what this town has to offer.

I remember walking down my drive way for the first time. I remember walking along the walls, seeing the shadows of the palm trees on the sidewalk and feeling the warm sand under my bare feet for the first time. I walked along the shore line, the small waves hitting my feet when they rolled in. I walked indefinitely, with my docs in my hand. Simply exploring my new home. So far I loved my new home.

I passed a group of kids, probably around my age. Suddenly every ounce of confidence in my body, vanished. I thought that if I didn't pay attention to them, they wouldn't pay attention to me. Sadly I was wrong.

"Hey shorts!" I heard a boy yell. Dang. Confidence, Selena, confidence.

"Well that's degrading don't you think?" I countered.

"Well maybe if I knew your name I could call you that instead" I heard the boy say again, a slightly more flirty tone.

I looked at him, wow he was good looking. He had long hair that kinda flopped over his eyes, he kept flicking his head to the side to keep it out of his view. He sat in only board shorts. He had a slight six pack, a lot more than most 16 year old boys. I couldn't really see his face but if it was any bit as nice as his voice then wow, he was blessed.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" I heard him chuckle.

"Come over here for a second" he invited.

"Nah I'm good" I turned to start walking again.

"Fine I'll come to you then" he yelled.

Oh great.. I mean I was flattered. I was pretty, I knew I was. I'm not vain but people always looked at me with that kind of look. Like "she's such a doll", "she has a simply pretty face" or something like that. Boys seemed to like me, the attention was kind of nice I guess. I probably sound so stuck up right now.. Oh well, my story my rules.

I stopped and turned around, which I guess shocked the stranger causing him to tackle me. We both crashed into the water. He was casually lying on top of me.

"Um.. Hi?" I said. He chuckled.

"I guess you just fell for me" he said with a wink.

"Actually you fell for me"

"aye, I'm not denying that" okay he's a flirt.

"alright lover boy, mind getting off me?" He smirked and stood up, then helped me up too.

"I'm Justin by the way" he held out his to shake it.

"I think we've moved past the handshake, but I'm Selena" he smiled at me.

It was a smile unlike one I've ever seen before. It was so beautiful and genuine and not like one of those boy Crooked smirks that they think are just super flirty but just look douchey.

"So are you new here?" He said sweetly, making small talk was never my niche.

"Um, yeah I literally got here like an hour ago" he chuckled.

"Well welcome to town." "I feel welcome" I smiled. I opened my mouth to continue the conversation when my phone started ringing. I sighed and picked up.

"Hey? Oh hi mom... No.. Why did you buy a cake? ... Mom it's not a big deal... I have one every year! Mom.. Okay! I'll come home.."

"Cake?" Justin said, sounding a little bit excited. I giggled

"yeah it's my birthday. I better get home but it was nice meeting you!" Before he could say anything else I turned on my heels and ran. I can still hear the splashing of the water, the noisy people, and the sound of Justin calling my name. That was the first time I met Justin. And I still remember it as clear as It happened. You don't forget moments like that.

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