Chapter 2

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The memory of Justin Drew Bieber swirled around my mind. He had completely divulged my existence and made it his own. I felt as if my heart now beat for him and only him. I had only let him, I realise this, but from the moment I looked into his eyes I knew my life would never be the same again.

I ran until I was out of his sight, and like a scene from a cheesy movie, I put my back to a tree and sighed in content. I had a horrible habit of over dramatising, and pretending the cameras were on me. I didn't want to be actress, but it's a fun fantasy.

I kept replaying those few short moments over and over again. I got weak at the thought of his smile, his voice, his surfer style hair.

I internally cursed my mother for calling me and drawing our brief encounter to a close.

Although, maybe it was just long enough for him to develop an interest but short enough that he would still have to wonder quite a bit.

Maybe he was thinking about me.

Maybe he was replaying our meeting in his head.

Maybe he was looking for me.

Maybe he was running this way right now coming to sweep me off my feet.

Or..maybe..probably, he went back to his friends and forgot all about me.

And with that soul crushing thought, I began walking home.

After only getting lost two..maybe three times on my way home, I stepped through the front door.

"Mom I'm ho-" I began but before I could finish my mother came running out of the kitchen wearing a cheesy birthday hat and throwing confetti.

"Happy Birthday babydoll!" she yelled over the sound of our stereo blasting a very high spirited and happy rendition of 'Happy Birthday'.

Laughing at her enthusiasm, I pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you mom, I love you"

"I love you too sweetheart now let's get some cake into you"

She pulled me into the kitchen and I was greeted by a gorgeous chocolate fudge cake - my favourite. It was huge, I knew we would be snacking on left overs for days to come.

She sang/yelled happy birthday to me before pausing, signalling it was time for me to blow out the candles.

"..happy birthday to you!" she finally finished before hugging me tightly from behind.

She had been so hyper lately. She said it was because of all the coffee, the coffee she drank to distract herself and prevent her from using again. Yeah. My mom used to do drugs. At that point she had been clean for 6 months. Our move to Santa Monica was one of her steps to staying clean.

That night we feasted on cake and watched a girly film before ordering Chinese food and watching a horror movie. When mom finally decided to call it a night, I sat on the sofa. In silence. Thinking about him. Just.. picturing his caramel Brown eyes.

My stalker session lasted about 5 minutes, so I soon followed my mother upstairs.

Ripping open one of my many boxes labeled "clothes", I selected one of my dads old t-shirts to sleep in.

Climbing onto my undressed bed, with only s pillow and a light sheet for comfort, I soon fell deeply asleep.

I mean I was pretty tired after my big day. Moving- that isn't exactly a stress free activity. Walking, enjoying the beach, blah blah, meeting the person who would simultaneously give my life purpose and destroy it, turning 16, eating cake. It's hard on a girl.

I tossed and turned all through the night, one minute I was too hot and the next I was too cold. They say that if you can't sleep you're awake in someone else's dream..

I woke up the next morning in an extremely good mood.

I'm not usually a sporty girl but something inside of me was telling me to go for a run.

I threw on a loose top and some shorts and then some running shoes. Shoving my earphones in, I hit shuffle on my iPhone.

I ran aimlessly, down the streets, through the town, along the beach. I was so lost in my little world when I was sure someone was calling my name. Yanking my earphones out I looked around.

"Selena! selena, finally!" I heard the voice yelling. I realized the only person it could be was..

I spun around and next thing I knew Justin ran straight into me knocking us both over.

"we need to stop meeting like this" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "you need to stop knocking me over"

"try catching me next time" he smirked.

"you should be the one catching me"

"i will catch you if you fall" he said in a sing-song voice.

"You're not doing a very good job" I said while standing up and brushing the sand off myself.

I looked into his eyes and he suddenly looked hurt.

"you're right, im sorry. Let me buy you an ice cream to say sorry" he said softly.

I smiled and nodded, ice cream sounder good. He started telling me about school and his friends and told me that I should hang out with them later. He seemed like a really nice guy.

He bought our ice creams and we decided to sit on a wall outside.

"So why did you move here?" he asked curiously.

I bit my lip, searching for the best way to put it. My moms a meth head so we moved here from Texas. no.

My dad came back into town and he's abusive. no.

"We wanted a fresh start and a beach" I finally shrugged.

"a beach?"

"i like beaches"

He looked at me and laughed.

"i like you Selena, I really do"

my heart stopped...oh my god.


if you follow me on instagram and are wondering when I'm updating Change Me, I'm sorry I broke my iPhone but I'm getting it fixed so I promise ill upload as soon as I can.

Thank you for reading, I love you.

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