Chapter 4

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I pulled the smouldering stick to my lips and hesitantly raised it to my lips. I shut my eyes.

okay Selena, this is your shot. Possibly your only shot. If you don't do this, theyll think you're a pussy. Miley, Ryan, Chaz.. Justin. Just do it.

I took a long drag.

"hold it in.. hold it, hold it.." Justin coaxed, smiling.

I held it for as long as I could then coughed and blew it out.

Miley cheered. "now pass"

"what?" I questioned

"puff puff pass, now hand it over"

I giggled then passed her the joint.

Justin put his arm around me and kissed my cheek, then rested his forehead against my cheek.

I slipped my hand into the nape of his neck and smiled softly.

"How was it?" He mumbled in my ear, causing me to get goosebumps.

"It was.. An experience" I whispered bluntly, earning a chuckle from him.

"You'll get used to it" he smirked, taking the blunt from Miley and taking a long drag before leaning his head back and blowing it out through his nose.

"Alright Dragon boy, no need to show off" I remarked, not thinking before I spoke.

Justin looked taken back and all of a sudden he went silent before Miley started laughing.

"Just cause you can't do it, babe" Justin countered.

"Who says I can't?" I half whispered.

At this point, Chaz had the joint. He stood up and held it between his lips. He and Justin clasped hands and he pulled him up.

"Show him how it's done, kid" he encourage.

A slight growl emerged from Miley's pursed lips. She hopped up and pulled me with her.

"You've gotta beat his cocky ass"

I laughed and nodded.

"Beginners luck.."

"No! No luck! Watch everything he does, it's not difficult. If he slightly coughs, bet your ass you're gonna cough. You can do this newbie!"

"Good pep talk!" I patted her on the back then walked over to Justin.

"You guys ready?" Ryan mediated.

"Born ready" Justin said confidently.

"Uh.. Yeah what he said" I whispered.

"May the best one win" Justin winked.

"Oh I will"

Justin pulled the joint to his lips, never breaking eye contact with me. He look a long inhale, then as he let it out, he tapped his cheek with his index finger while making a slight coughing noise from the back of his throat. His actions caused the smoke to come out in Indian smoke rings. Awesome.

I took it all on board, but I couldn't help but watch him admirably. He looked really hot right now.

He flicked his long hair and smirked then handed me the joint. I looked back at Miley and she just nodded.

I compiled myself and then did exactly as Justin did, I was shocked when it actually worked! I heard Miley cheer behind me, but all I could focus on was Justin's shocked expression.

"H-how did you do that?" Justin asked shakily.

"I knew it couldn't be too hard, I mean if you can do it anyone can" I said with a wink.

I was having a lot of fun with these guys, even if they are burn outs. I was beginning to see why my mom was an addict.

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