Chapter 3

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Noah's POV (haven't seen this for a while wOAH)

I pulled away from the kiss, looking deeply into (y/n)'s eyes, they were stunning, i could look into them for the rest of my life if i could. i let go of her waist and started to pick up the blanket, shaking it out. 

"hey (y/n)?"

"yeah noah?" she says sitting on the hood of your car.

"i was thinking of dying my hair pink."

"you totally should! that would be so cool!" she replies totally stoked.4

"maybe i will" you say winking at her. she smiled at me. "you ready to go?" i ask.

"yeah. even though this was amazing." she says, walks towards the passengers side.  She opened the door and got in. I started the car and turned on the radio, placing my hand on (y/n)'s thigh. I watch her smile and keep driving. life couldn't get better than this. 

the next moments happened in slow motion.

A drunk driver swerved and hit (y/n) and i. They hit us head on, the airbags went off in a white flash. (y/n) was pushed forward and hit her head on the seat behind her. Then suddenly everything went black.

(setting change:hospital)

My eyes fluttered open to a white room, i immediately covered them, still adjusting to the shift of light. I quickly sit up trying to find (y/n). A million thoughts ran through my head, is she dead? is she hurt? will she remember me? 

I quickly snapped out of trying to find (y/n), when a nurse came in.

"Sir, we need you to stay in your bed."

"Where is (y/n)? Is she okay?" i said worried as ever.

"She's been in a coma for the past week. She broke her arm and one of her legs. I'm sure she will be fine." the nurse replied not sounding sympathetic at all. 

"Can i go see her?" i asked still terrified.

"Sure. Follow me." 

We walked down multiple white hallways. taking lots of turns, when we finally got to her room. I immediately sat down next to her grabbing her hand.

"(y/n) please, i need you to wake up. You mean the world to be and i dont know what i'd do without you. You mean the world to me. And i would give you the world if i could. Just please dont leave me."

I waited hope for a twitch, even the slightest of movement. '


A tear or two slowly rolled down my cheek. I grabbed my phone and texted anthony.

Noah: Hey, so (y/n) and i got in a car crash. and shes in a coma. maybe you guys could come visit?

Anthony: what? is she okay? are you okay?

Noah: Im fine, just a couple bruises. Im not sure about (y/n) though..

Anthony: Everyone will be there in 10 minutes. 

(ten minutes later)

The entire smosh squad, smosh games, everyone was there, with balloons, teddy bears, and cards. it was astonishing. We all crowded around (y/n), talking to her individually. We all needed her. I needed her.

After a while people started leaving one by one. Until it was just her and i again. One thought ran through my mind.

please, please, wake up.

(time skip like 2 months)

I visited (y/n) daily. hoping for ant kind of change. nothing. I sat by her bed with more flowers. the room was filled with them. I sat down holding her hand again. and whispered.

"I love you, please dont go." i felt my cheeks getting hot and tears coming out of my eyes. 

"i..... love... you.... too..." she managed to say in a raspy voice.

Your head shot up at the sound of her voice that you missed oh, so much. 

"(y/n)!! your awake!" i almost screamed.

"It hasnt been that long." she said in a serious tone.

"(y/n) you were asleep for two months."

"no way..." there was a pause between us.

"this means i can party for two months woot woot!" she said causing me to chuckle.

I texted the smosh squad telling everyone she was awake.

I got up, put my hand on her cheek, and gave her a slow, passionate kiss.


sorry that this isnt 1k words but its like super late at night, but i promise ill get better at uploading. also 10 reads is more than i would expect. Thank you so much. Love you!!


706 words

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