The Longest Walk

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"Why?" Kakashi stepped forward, still tense and distrusting.

Itachi sighed. "Would you rather fight? It's certainly not in your best interests." He said all of this slowly, clearly aggravated.

"I'd rather fight!" Aster jerked her arm in Itachi's grip, yelling in his ear.

Turning slowly to face the entire group, Sasuke crossed his arms. "Would it make you feel better if we let you tie our hands?" He was quickly tiring of the arguing. Even though he wasn't completely sure of what his brother was planning, but he had a few reasonable guesses.

"No... I doubt that would do much good." Kakashi gave his former student another wary glance, but he seemed to be giving in.

He was about to continue when Naruto cut in. "I think it would do a whole hell of lot of good." He glared at Sasuke, turning white with rage.

Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke watched Naruto in shock. I never thought it would come to this... Sasuke lowered his gaze again. "Naruto..."

"Shut the hell up!" Naruto fought to keep his voice level as hurt and betrayal raced through him. "Don't talk to me like you're my friend, you bastard!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth, those words were more painful than they had any right to be. He wanted to lash back out, but guilt held him in silence. Itachi watched, becoming more and more concerned. I should have realized the kyuubi kid would be one the of the ones after Sasuke... Dammit.

Aster slipped from Itachi's grasp, moving between Sasuke and Naruto. "Watch your mouth kid!" She flipped a kunai out of its holster, ready to fight.

Taking an aggressive step forward, Naruto started to say something, but stopped as he placed the face in front of him. It was a moment before he found his voice again. "Y-you..."

Recognition came over her and Sakura did a double take of the redheaded woman. There was another few minutes of silence as team seven finally placed the hotheaded girl accompanying the Uchiha brothers. There was an uncomfortable moment of silence before Aster reluctantly backed down.

"Let's go." Itachi walked toward Konoha and Sasuke started to follow. Twisting his shoulders leisurely, hecaught Kakashi's gaze. "Nothing good can come of fighting us. I ask you now, let us aid you."

Tensing her body and preparing to strike at anytime, Sakura took a deep breath to ease her anxiety. "We don't need your help."

Hardening his features, Itachi kept his eyes on Kakashi. "You came here to get Sasuke, but as a side mission, I assume, you are to destroy any Akatsuki members you discover." He continued slowly, as if talking to a small child, "The only reason your orders are to 'destroy' us, is because your superior assumes you cannot take us captive without tremendous loss on your side. This is true, but only if we resist."

To his pupils' surprise, their ex-sensei stepped forward. "True. But then I have to ask... Why do you not resist?"

Letting the cloak slide halfway off his shoulders, Sasuke met Naruto's scowl. "Did it ever occur to you that we didn't choose to walk this path?" The rage faded from Naruto's expression and left only a look of torn agony.

"Hmm..." Kakashi sighed in thought. He relaxed. Then, making a point to catch each of the exiled nin's stares, he gave them a look of determination. "I'll be watching you three, every second. Even think about trying anything, and I'll know."

"Perfectly understandable," Itachi tilted his head, motioning for Sasuke and Aster to follow. Aster stood, staring down Kakashi.

It was a minute before she began to walk with them. She tailed Itachi closely, watching Kakashi in contempt. They made their way towards Konoha in a thick silence. Itachi and Sasuke led the way, Aster close behind, within arm's reach of Itachi. Sakura and Naruto flanked Kakashi, who loped after them at a leisurely pace.

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