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The icy words cut through the happy air like a knife. Marco flinched when he felt a malicious glare directed at him. He had been on his way to lunch with Star and her friends, who were currently debating whether magic was a real thing or not, but Marco was now frozen in his tracks. Everyone in the area had paused in their tracks.

The male that had shouted had spiked hair and Marco could tell that his skin was exceptionally white, even with his colorblindness. He wore some kind of band shirt from what Marco could tell, with the sleeves cut off. He also wore jeans that were horribly ripped; Marco could not tell if it was intentionally or not.

"Ugh! None of your business Tom!" Star half shouted in irritation.

Marco felt himself gasp in surprise, eyes widening. "Tom? As in ex-boyfriend Tom?"

It was not a very wise idea to voice his thoughts. The statement only seemed to anger the other teen even more, and he was already intimidating enough without the anger. He was a head taller than Marco and covered in lean muscle, which made Marco panic when he realized the rather fit male was coming directly at him. A fist with black nails grabbed a ball of fabric from Marco's sweater, holding him in place.

"Listen here you pathetic cockroach," He spat in hatred, "I honestly don't give a shit about your soulmate bull. Star is mine, no matter what, so stay away!"

Those words made Marco's face turn red, not in fear or anything like that, but complete anger. Star was his best friend and had helped him through the hardest thing in his life. He would not stand for the disrespect of treating her like and object with no free will. No matter how afraid he was, he would not let it happen.

"What right do you have to attack me like this?" Marco muttered, volume slowly raising. "Star is a person, not an object! She can make her own decisions and be with whoever she wants, soulmate or not!"

Marco surprised even himself with his next move. Both because of the bravery it took, and the stupidity. His arms came up to shove Tom's chest, making the taller of the two loose his footing. He had started to let go of Marco's sweater, but not fast enough. The Latino fell on top of Tom, bashing their heads together. It took just a moment for the dizziness of the collision it subside and for Marco to open his eyes. What he saw took his breath away.

He drank in what he saw for several small moments. Tom's eyes were a deep crimson red with flecks of gold making them shimmer. They would have been beautiful if they weren't twisted in pain and disgust. Marco didn't know the names of the colors quite yet, but he couldn't wait to learn them.

"Get off me, you freak!"

Marco was pushed away, collapsing on the cold ground. Tom stood and stomped away, probably lost for words. Not everyone was excited when they met their soulmate after all.

Marco actually let out a small whimper. As soon as the contact broke, the world faded back to the many shades of gray. Marco blinked a few times with a pout. How had he ended up with such a jerk of a soulmate?

"Why doesn't Tom care about soulmates?" He asked as he finally stood.

Star was the one to sigh slightly. "He was born different. Tom has been able to see color his entire life."

It hit him right there, and it hurt. Of course it would. Even those who didn't believe in only falling in love with your soulmate spent their lives wanted to fall in love with their destined one. To marry someone who wasn't, was just settling for second best. Everyone knew that.

Tom doesn't know what we are.

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