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I regret A LOT

"GET THIS HORRIBLE STUFF OFF ME, IT'S KILLING ME." Screaming for my life, help. "OH JESUS- LUNA IT'S MAKE UP CALM THE HELL DOWN. This is a ball you're going to and partly HOSTING. You gotta look your best." Kanade sighs adding the horrible substance of lipstick to my face. "I'm 16 what the hell, I don't want to be married." I sigh and raise to my feet once Kanade was done. "Well on the bright side you get a really pretty dress?" She giggles, her hand covering her mouth as she does so. "Screw dresses. Screw people. Screw the world I wanna live in an anime." "What the hell is an anime?" Oh that hurt to write- I mean what? "I MEANT THAT THIS DRESS IS SUPER FANCY. Like what the hell, why is it so bright." (If you haven't already guessed I meant the dress as the chapter pic)

I walk out of Kanade's room and down the halls. I end up passing by Yui. Don't talk to me, don't talk to me, don't talk to- "Luna! You look amazing wow!" I continue walking just ignoring her but she doesn't get it, it seems. "Um Luna did you hear me?" I send her a glare and decide to teleport away as she flinches. I ended up in Kanato's room. Wait what the hell. "Hey Kan- Oh no ones here." I shrug and walk out of the childish room like nothing happened. Well if ain't here he's probably somewhere else pretending to die like the balcony. Oh my family is so normal. "Hey Subaru- WAIT SUBARU?!" I look at him in shock and he just looks at me in confusion. "Why the hell are you upstairs, I thought everyone was helping downstairs." Oh so that's where Kanato was, how come I remember that when I see Subaru only. "I got sent away, they didn't need me." He continues to walk away. "Rude..." I puff my cheeks out and continue walking, trying not trip over this dress. You know what I'm just going back to Kanade, there's nothing else for me to do out here in this dress.


Ugh so many fake girls. I wish Kanade could come but she can't because she's human. But I swear that girl is an alien or something in disguise. What am I saying? I laugh at my own thoughts. "Nice to see you again sir." I return to my fake smile as my father introduces me to more important vampires. Hey I want blood, after some small talk I excuse myself and head to the blood tablets and wine glasses. "Well if it isn't the boy I hated and now marrying." Takashi chuckled as he saw me. "You also been dragged into business talks?" I nod and stand next to him. "I haven't seen you for about 10 minutes where did you go?" I look up at him, curse my short height even with heels. "Well I was talking to your brothers." I choke on air- or maybe my drink. "Which ones? Salty oreo and the tsundere car?" He looks at me confused. "Ayato and Subaru." He makes an 'o' shape with his mouth and nods.

... (☉∀☉)

"Well i'm surprised your alive." I joke and he laughs at the face I made. "Such a lady like you can sure make very weird faces." I smile at his posh acting voice. "Why thank you kind sir but i'm far from lady like." "Well maybe you can dance like one?" I nod and take his large hand which was held out in front of my face. We started to dance, it was one of those dances where you swap partners every once and a while. I slipped my hand out of Takashi's and to my next partner. "Nice to see you enjoying yourself after you left me." That voice...?! I look up and see the one and only Yuki Akuma. But something about his presents was off. "How did you get in here, this is only for-" "Higher ranks? You should study a bit more on history Luna, Akuma is a well known Pure-Blood family. We just decide to live undercover us children." I freeze in shock, shoving him away after a while.

"What you expect me to be okay with you leaving me?! You were MINE Luna not HIS." Venom drips as he speaks. I get mad though. "I belong to no one." I clench my fists and look down at the glistening marble floor. By now everyone was watching us. Takashi came to my side. "Yuki!? What the hell are you doing here?!" He smirks. "Just the person I was looking for..." He walks towards us pulling out a gun. I hear mumbles and gasps. 'what how can he hold that gun?! He was a vampire aura...?!'. My father had a grim expression on his face along with my brothers, Subaru and Ayato step forward. "YOU MOVE THEY BOTH GET IT." He smiles insanely at them. "Like hell you will!" Ayato shouts. My father sends a deathening glare at them. "Luna you were supposed to be mine... WHY ARE YOU STANDING NEXT TO HIM." He shoots the gun but it doesn't hit us, he's too insane to aim right. He curses under his breath and runs towards us pulling a knife out. Takashi moves the way and keep hold of my hand trying to drag me with him.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! My heel just broke making me fall to the ground. People were already running out of the building by now. Takashi and my brothers were being dragged with, fighting against the crowd of people. "If... If you won't be mine. YOU'LL BE NO ONES." He charges at me, this time i'm frozen in fear. That knife is the special one that can pierce vampires hearts... I'm done for. I hear Takashi's deep voice shout my name. It all seemed so slow motion. Oh my god this is such a movie cliche... Heh I take nothing seriously. I close my eyes readying the impact of his knife but instead I feel nothing but here a grunt. "You... YOU STUPID HUMAN." I open my eyes and turn my head to the side... I see Kanade on the floor getting repeatedly stabbed by Yuki... No NO she was my big sister!!! "KANADE WHAT THE HELL." I kick my shoes off finally to run over to her but get pulled back by someone.

"Let me go!! She can't die!!! She's not supposed to be here!!" I cry looking at her lifeless body still being stabbed. "LUNA SHE'S GONE." I see Ayato crying... He was in love with her... I fall limp in his grasp as he picks me up and runs out....

I'm only 16... Yet I have millions of years to live with this guilt now... Of killing a human who was dear to me.

Once I reached the outside of the building, Takashi pulls me into a hug repeating 'i'm sorry this is my fault I should've been quicker' and so on. I cry into his arms as furious and scared guests leave and my brothers stand in front of us making sure everything's safe and waiting for him to come back out. Even the bastard himself left... Some father and man he is, no shame. We waited for him to come out, I stopped crying and was ready to kill him, he never came out. We only guess that he left the house. "Ayato, Kanato and Subaru stay out here with those two, we'll go check inside." The trio nod. I've never seen Kanato so serious in my life before. After half an hour of checking for wounds on me and waiting the 4 older ones come out.

"He's gone..."


"You thought I was gone?" A voice I long forgot about said behind me...

I was alone with no one but him around for miles...

Well I'm on hiatus now for however long.

I wanna die :D it's chill though it's something normal for me.

Diabolik Little Sister (Diabolik lovers fanfic)  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now