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I was startled awake by pans falling in the kitchen.
My door opened. Then everything went black. The last thing I remember is a voice.... it was familiar but I couldn't figure it out. The voice said, "you are mine, and will always be mine."

Levi's P.O.V.

I love her. That's all I could think about.
I wanted her to be with me and I knew there was no other way.

I had a key to her house, that she didn't know about.

I unlocked her back door and slipped inside.

I was in the kitchen. The stairs were in the living room. I started walking through the kitchen when I tripped over something and hit a pan. It fell to the floor with a loud crash! I quickly ran into the living room and went up her stairs as quickly and quietly as I could. Her room was the third door on the left side. I quickly walked up to her room and slowly opened the door. Crap! It creaked. She was sitting up in her bed the moonlight casting a white glow over her. She looks so beautiful, with her crystal blue eyes that have a fleck of silver in them. Her blue highlights glow silver and hers skin is pale white. I slipped into the shadows, slowly coming up behind her. Then I put the cloth with chloroform to her face and whispered, "you are mine, and will always be mine."

Psychotic Secrets  // (Kidnaped by my ex)Where stories live. Discover now