1- December.

159 5 10

We were like snowflakes: so different yet so undeniably beautiful.

You sighed. Voluntarily or not, a prolonged sigh all the same. Miserably kicking back the sheets as you- once again- pressed 'call'. Ugh. Coming to grasps with Teagan's rejection of your calls, you trudged over to your windowsill and breathed out deeply; thus creating a misty haze on the cold glass as droplets of rain cascaded down on the other side. As much as you hated to admit it, the rain was nice. Comforting almost. Especially how the tiny droplets slowly slithered down the glass- kinda reminding you of snakes, a bit like that ones visited at the zoo way ba-


Regrettably, you fell asleep. The light type of slumber where your conscience is awake but clearly retarded as it had just let you fall straight on your ass-which resulted in you waking up. Which then resulted in you realising just how late you would be for school if you didn't hurry the heck up right now. This truly was a series of unfortunate events. However, you felt a refined grin creeping across your face as you realised the date. Your date. Planting yourself in front of the mirror, you stare at your face: puffy, pink and jaded. Howbeit, you were simply elated as you vaguely lined your eyes and applied light makeup; that of which was appropriate for school, of course. Late or not, you had to look and feel positively amazing today.

''You what?'', Teagan shrieked.

''Calm it, it's no big deal- honestly!'', You lie slyly. This was a big deal- colossal to you, at the very least.

''Uhm, sorry to burst your bubble, bish- cancel it right now. I ain't even kidding.'' She said monotously as you averted your eyes down to your feet.

''Listen boi, this could be my first love story and (A/N ;)) in all honesty I think it's all gonna be good uno- it's only Sehun ffs'', you say between the breaths of your contagious laughter. She was so protective.

''Aishhh if he does anything tho...'' Teagan said quietly with some freaking ominous tone.

''I'll kill the guy myself!'', you say reassuringly as you land a play punch on her arm- causing her to spill the bubble tea she had just bought all over her genteel denim jacket.


Like now.

no lie ya need to pump them legs

''I am so sincerely sorry, like you don't even know the slightest oml.'', you scream, holding back the urging giggles threatening to kill you rn. Funnily enough, judging by the wild look in her eyes you had already started to back away and plan your escape.

''EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWAAAAAAAAAAAAARFWUGYEIUNCOMEBACKHEREYOULITTLEHOEENJSBE WNVG'', is what you manage to make out Teagan piercingly scream at you from afar. Afar as you had already ran for dear life.

Still running, you crash into a guy with a small black mask complimented by a black cap.


Literal shit. *not literal tho exaggeration and all ygm*

''I'm s-sorry'' you awkwardly manage to mumble as you sprint, even faster this time if that's remotely possible, to school.

Setting out your stuff on your desk in class you start to take notes as the teacher starts. However, you were only able to write a sentence or two as the teacher abruptly stops in order to receive a call, leaving the room to do so.

''Y/N!'' half the class successively echoes after Teagan, who is seated right behind you.  

''...no.'' you disinterestedly say as you glare at Teagan, who was squinting to perfectly aim her newly crafted *out of pure boredom* paper plane at you.

You weren't often like this, but you knew exactly what was coming. You knew you were gonna be bombarded by people questioning the relationship you have with Sehun. For the time being you drain out the chatter of the room by plugging in your headphones. You're bored. Undeniably bored. Extremely, excruciati-

''IM YUR ANGEL, IM YUR HOPEEEEEEEEEE'' a shrill voice vivaciously shrieks as the door swings open- an entrance for the seven strange boys now walking in.

Strange. Something so ethereal about them as they candidly walked into a classroom. They were special from the start.

Every voice was silenced, every breath held and all thoughts on pause. All orbs were now fixated on them, expectant...

A/N I BARELY HAVE ANY READERS WHICH IS TRAGIC BC THIS TOOK AGES EEEEE T^T But to anyone who is reading, tysm <3 I'm so glad my efforts aren't being completely ignored- in order to get some publicity i would appreciate so freaking much if you voted on the story and/or commented! I love writing and BTS so being able to combine them and to maybe have others like the product would make me so happy gahh :')

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