2. Beginnings.

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If only I had known.

''Holy crap'' you manage to hiss at Teagan who you just twisted around to fangirl with.

They were gorgeous; all seven of them were tall, fit and not to mention stylish too. Although they had just walked in less than a minute ago you could swear you heard the wheezes and pants of excited girls, and probably some guys too. 

Swerving back around, you flash a genuine smile at them- these were people you'd want to get on the good side of, let alone make bad first impressions with. 

None smiled back.

Yeah, they probably didn't see haha, you conclude as you start to panic- did they already hate you?

Abruptly, a snort of laughter escapes you as you realise how extra you're being. There's nothing to worry about. 

However, one of the boys catches your gaze because of your oH sO fLaTtErInG snort. You shrivel up in embarassment, hiding behing your textbook, and can hear the equally as flattering snort of Teagan mocking you.  HAHA THIS DAY HAS STARTED OFF GREAT, you sarcastically try and drill into your head.

 Acknowledging Chanyeol's existence for the first time today, you nudge his ribs gently with your elbow in a desperate try to get him to wake up. He actually liked school, along with his sleep. But really, as everyone, you knew he'd want to see the new guys as they'd undeniably soon be part of his friend circle, judging on everyone's reaction to there arrival simply- like damn. Something as casual as candidly walking into a classroom had everyone hooked- how must their lives be? .-. They probably couldn't even step out of cars without making headlines. (A/N: those are my boys ;D)

His eyes were puffy and his face was drained and colourless. Your eyes widen in shock upon seeing him like this- he never looked like this. Sure, he might've had a bad day,  but without a doubt, the guy came into school looking like a model every morning and sure as heck went home looking like one too. Something was wrong. You'd known him ever since high school and you had clicked instantly; both of you, along with Teagan were unstoppable.

Ensuring he was okay, you sling your arms around his shoulder and get down to eye level with him.

''Ah, this is how your like without that makeup.'' you whisper blankly.

His eyes glint and he cracks a short but noticeable smile. Your heart pangs for him, there are serious bad vibes surrounding him and you completely forget about the seven boys that had entered just five minutes ago and were now being seated around in the class.

''About the makeup, jeez that coverage is great. Any tips for your hopeless bestf?'' You say confidently- eager to make him laugh. These were like indirect compliments, really- he never even wore makeup. Sighing, you ruffle his perfectly curled, deep brown hair.

''I'll treat you to them hot sugary donuts you like after school, no compromises, ok?'' You ask, not expecting nor really wanting an answer anyways.

''Not even gonna complain, as long as I can get you a caramel macchiato after.'' (A/N: my references tho- bless) He said quietly, not quite himself but at least talking to you.

Content, you slide back in your seat calmly- that is until you realise who's next you. Who've you've just ignored the entire time as you were attending to Chanyeol. Who seems not so happy because of the greeting he didn't get.

Freaking out on the inside, you meticulously form a plan in order to gain a positive view from the guy now sitting next to you. He was one of them. bE pOsITiVe and sMoOtH

''Hi there, I hope you enjoy your time at the school and if you have any problems or concerns, feel free to come to me!'' You say perfectly- it wasn't unique. It wasn't even funny. It was plain.

You cringe.

You brows knit up expecting a response, and got nothing, before you stick out your hand, for a handshake. You weren't going to be rambling mess- not today, at least.

Much to your surprise, the boy takes your hand and shakes it lazily- all without eye contact.

He turns to face you, still holding your hand, slowly but surely.

''Min Yoongi. And I hope that when I walk into class normally, I won't get aired.'', he said; and with that he let go.

A/N: PROUD OF THIS CHAPTER AND IF YOU ENJOYED IT VOTE ON IT BC SILENT READERS, i shall never understand you. T^T Next chapter should be up fairly soon as I want to get this story progressing in order to get some more readers :') eNjOy mY hArD wOrK tHaT iSnT geTtInG aPpReCiAtEd

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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