Teenage Dreams

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"Mmmm." Draco smiled, pulling Harry closer to him. The charmed window of his dungeon room admitted the soft, warm light of the noon sun. "You're still here." He hummed.

"I am." Harry spoke without turning around, a grin planted on his face. "I slept splendidly. You?" He snuggled into the embrace. He felt content.

"Amazing. You are aware that I only got to sleep in the same bed as you one night? I never thought... I didn't think it would happen again."

"Me neither. Drac, thank you for coming to get me last night. Given the circumstances I would understand if you didn't want to be around me. You know... with Severus and the fact that we can't..." Potter sighed.

"Harry, love I will always come for you. I've told you before, I will love you in whatever capacity I can. Would I rather you not be a bound man? Of course, I'd love to have you for myself. I cannot. But, I have you right now. I'll not spoil it by worrying about what's to come. You shouldn't either." Draco kissed the dark hair in front of him.

"I have to. This isn't permanent and the messed up thing is I don't know how I feel about that. I can't imagine being without you or Severus. In this moment I'm so at peace being in your arms, knowing that's where I'll sleep tonight, feeling your skin on mine but, I felt the same thing yesterday morning. I love you. I love him. I feel so lost." Harry huffed. There was no right choice. "I need to go speak with him today. I'd like for you to come with me, but stay outside. I was thinking maybe later...you might be willing to...go with me to...see my friends..." Harry waited nervously, with bated breath, for a response.

"I don't think you should see him so soon and...if it will please you to see the lesser two-thirds of the golden trio, I could oblige you." Malfoy hid the contempt well.

Harry rolled over to face his lover, kissing him lightly. "I have to talk to him. You'll be right outside if I need you. It will be safe."

"I'll go if you kiss me again." Draco pulled Harry's lips to his own. The kiss was deepened, arms wrapped around bodies, stifled moans filled the room. The blond held Harry's face with one hand, rolling on top of him. Potter twisted his hand in platinum hair, bringing their faces closer. His other dug into Malfoy's shoulder blade. The kiss was passionate and loving. The men continued their slow pace, enjoying the closeness.

"Wait..." Harry was out of breath. "The bond..." He shook his head.

"I'm sorry. It's easy to forget. Are you in pain?" Draco was concerned. He removed himself immediately, forcing himself to create distance.

"No... It didn't react." Harry seemed confused. "It's still there. I can feel it more than I have since... our spell. But it's not doing anything. It's not responding. I can't feel him unless I try... I don't understand." He rubbed his eyes.

"Maybe it's punishing him? It punished you...maybe..." Draco didn't know the answer. He had attempted to look up the soul bond The Old ones had used with little success.

"I'm going to go talk to Sirius. Do you want to get ready to go with me to see Sev? After that let's just have a relaxing day. We'll walk around the grounds, go see my friends..." Harry kissed him quickly before standing.

"That's relaxing?" Draco cringed. He smiled. "I'll shower and begin my flawless beauty regime..."

Harry snorted, remembering how long it took the Slytherin to get ready. "I'm wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Try not to show me up too much.

"Impossible." Malfoy kissed him sweetly. "You're breathtaking without effort."

Harry blushed, uncomfortable with the compliment. "You're just saying that. But it is nice to hear. I'll be back." He headed towards the door.

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