1: "Dad's idea?"

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The above video is the work done by @Cinderellatessy1 !!! Thank you! It's awesome! Hope you all love it too!

Xavia's POV

"Dad, I told you. I'll be fine. Happy and I can handle this." I try to convince my father.

"No, Xavia. I've already told you that I will not allow you to go on this trip." He says back as he puts on his sunglasses.

"But dad I-"

"The answer is no, Xavia... Now hurry up you'll be late for your first day at the new school... Happy's downstairs." He says walking to the door.

I sighed and rolled my eyes before turning to put on my shoes.

"Oh and say goodbye to him! He's leaving with that kid right after he drops you off!" He calls.

"Alright!" I yell back.

I grabbed my bag quickly and took an apple from the counter before jogging down the steps of my house.

Some think I'm spoiled and rich but that's not me... That's not me at all... My dads the rich one. And I may be spoiled from time to time but I've refused so many gifts for my father, we have a whole warehouse full of high tech things that I told him to send back.

I refuse to be labeled as a brat just because I was born into this family.

I went down the stairs outside, saying goodbye to the robot maid that was clipping the hedges.

Happy was waiting in the limo.

"Dads idea?" I ask.

He chuckles from the rolled down window and nodded.

I rolled my eyes and hopped into the passenger seat.

I dropped my bag, it made the car sink down about an inch.

"What do you have in there? Is that all for school?" He asks.

I look up.

"Books, books, books."

He chuckled.

"You excited for the first day?" He asks.

I groan.

"No. It'll be the same as last time. And the time before that. I'll have no friends and everyone will just talk bad about me because they think I'm a spoiled brat and the people that are nice to me will only be doing it so they can say they're friends with a billionaires kid." I tell him.

He lets out a long breath and puts the car in gear.

"Well... I don't know what to say to that. But I take it your dad said no to you coming along."

I huff.

"Ya got that right. 'Oh Xavia, it's too dangerous for you to be so far away! Oh  Xavia I will not have you go on this trip without me! Oh Xavia!' It's annoying... I'm 15! I can make my own decisions."

"Well you are still a child, his child... You've got to understand that he's just doing what he thinks is best for you."

He pulled out of the drive way and smiled at me.

"Whatever... I just don't understand why I have to go to public school. Why can't I go to a private school or even be homeschool? You'd teach me wouldn't you?" I ask.

"Not to be rude but I've got other priorities I'm not just here for you. I work for your father." He smiles.

"I'm sorry... I just don't want to go today... It's putting me in a bad mood."

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