My First Tag

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hello my most valued readers! as you can see i have been tagged. i was tagged by Yunoaccept.

1: Do I like some one? one real at least (sad but true)

2: Do they like you back?
how can they? they're not real

3: What's your middle name?
Love. and no, i'm not kidding

4: Are you single or taken?

5: How was the last person you texted
well i had to ask Yunoaccept how tags here worked. (i'm a noob) but, that was before i talked to InkGalaxy123, so yeah, those on Wattpad. but i also talked to my freind Gryn on Messager

6: Wat was the last song you lestened to?
10 hour nightcore Freaks

7: Battery percentge?

8: Who is your best girl freind?
RainstormError tho i call her Gryn in real life

9: Best guy freind?
don't have one

10: Fav OTP?
..........ALL THE FRESHPAPER (NaJ aswell as VampVers) ErrorInk (all ver)

11: Way did you make your account?
reading and writing fanfics

12: What is your lock screan?
..........swapfell sans............


and that's it

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