At Least a Week

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[???'s Pov.]

I carried the injured woman over to the cave wall and tied her wrist to a wooden stake I stuck into the floor that I used to use for my dog. I dug through my backpack for some medical supplies and pulled out bandages, rubbing alcohol, a couple rolls of gauze, medical tape, and a blanket to put her on while I worked.

As she lay asleep on the blanket, I cleaned and wrapped up a wound on her arm. As I was examining her face, I noticed a tiny drop of blood escaping the corner of her left eye, so I made a gauze pad and taped it over her eye.

[3rd Person Pov.]
As this mysterious girl gave medical attention to (Y/N), Tord, Edd, and Tom walked through the forest they called the Thickety with Fen-de Westfall (who said to be called Clen but no one listened). Westfall gave them specific instructions for things to do and not to do in the Thickety. Things like "never, under any circumstances, eat anything anyone you don't know gives you because they may have used black magic on it to curse you" or "when a monster approaches you, fight back unless it's weak enough for you to just walk around it". Tord grew tired of the "advice" Westfall was giving them because it was all basically common sense.

Edd's mind was filled with thoughts on (Y/N) being missing. Mason was at home in London with his grandfathers, wondering where his mother is and if his father is safe. He feared that (Y/N) wouldn't come home. He feared that Tord would get hurt or even die, leaving Mason without parents.

Tom's mind was flooded with thoughts about safety. Yes, he could protect the group, but he didn't know what was in this forest. He wondered if he would have to fight (Y/N) to get her home. He wondered if he had to fight at all...

Tord's mind was flooded. He only thought of one thing: getting (Y/N) home. He walked on the dirt path, his feet only lightly touching the floor because of his fast pace. The three others in the group were trailing slightly behind him.

They were taking a break when Tord looked around to see an obvious head of pink hair in the distance on a mountain. "Hey, guys, there's someone up there!" Tord shouted over my shoulder. Edd and Tom focused their eyes in the distance. Edd's smile beamed and he said,"Maybe they know where (Y/N) is!"

They reached the base of the mountain in about two hours. Tord looked up to see that the person with pink hair was crouched on the cave entrance. Without thinking, Tord started to climb. He didn't stop. Edd was too scared and asked Tom to carry him up ("How are you so light?" Tom asked Edd.  "Dunno..." Edd replied.). Westfall climbed on his own as well behind everyone.

At the cave, they saw a woman with pink hair and a plain black baseball cap crouched at (Y/N)'s unconscious body. "(Y/N)!" Tord subconsciously shouted.

Almost on cue, (Y/N)'s eyes opened. They started out as white until black horizontal slits formed and spread to make them completely black. "Why did you yell!?" the unknown woman shouted. She grazed her hand from the wooden stake in the floor to the edge of the rope that was tied around (Y/N)'s neck ("Witch!" Westfall shouted.). The rope turned into a chain and she stuck the stake into the cave wall. She grazed a finger around the cracks that the stake made and a white web covered the hole.

The woman backed away to the opposite wall and smoothed out her blue and white checkered sweater that matched her tattered blue jeans. "We should be safe with (Y/N) like that," she said.

"How do you know her name?" Tord asked.

The woman looked up with a smile and tipped her cap. "The name's Tiana, but everyone either call me T or Tia." She glanced to (Y/N). "(Y/N)'s old friend."

(Y/N) swiftly got up on all fours, ears twitching and claws ready. She pulled at the chain all she could, but the webs keeping it imbedded into the stone wall kept it from coming out. The group backed away as (Y/N) attempted to get loose for a scratch. She growled as Tia slowly inched forward to (Y/N) with her hands out. She shushed (Y/N), somehow making her calm down slightly.

Tia ran her hand from (Y/N) and up over her head and down her neck and back. (Y/N) tensed for a second befote obeying and sitting down with her feet underneath her. (Y/N)'s black eyes and sharp teeth that made the face of a monster never left her.

Westfall was ready to leave. "She's a wexari! We need to leave now!"

"Not without (Y/N)," Tord snapped.

"Yeah, you're not leaving anytime soon. She's a wex, half wex, and it looks like she hasn't changed in a while, so she'll need some time to heal," Tia explained, adjusting her cap. "And, Clen, you may leave. Go get your guards and armies or whatever. Just know that you'll never catch me."

Westfall smirked and skid down the mountain. Tord watched as he ran through the Thickety. Tord didn't want to know if he would die from the traveling or from a fight.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Edd asked (Y/N), inching closer. When he tried to lay a hand on her head, she gave a deep growl. He fished back his arm with the other hand and turned to Tia. "How long will it take?"

"At least a week. I've never seen a half wex before, so we'll have to treat her like how normal wexes like to be treated for a while."

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