The Party After Disaster

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[3rd Person Pov.]
(Y/N) fell asleep with her head on Edd's shoulder in the helicopter. She was happy to be with her big brother (even though he was only a couple minutes older than her). Being on a helicopter for the second time wasn't so bad. Tia knocked out five minutes into the flight with her head resting on Hunter's shoulder, his arm around her protectively. He knew it made her feel safe.

When they got back, Pau and Pat hugged everyone and met Tia and Hunter. Mason, of course, was the first.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Mason shouted, running to his parents. (Y/N) took her child in her arms and said,"Yes, Mommy and Daddy are home." Tord gave a hug to Mason and introduced him to Tia and Hunter.

"Mason, this is Aunt Tia," Tord said. "And this is Uncle Hunter."

Mason gave them a huge smile and they greeted him with a smile too. "So, (Y/N), you gave your virginity to Tord for this munchkin?" Tia said, picking him up.

"Pfft, yeah," (Y/N) said. "I wouldn't ask for anything else."

Mason lifted a strand of Tia's pink hair. "Your hair is pretty!"

"Aw, thank you! You're pretty handsome yourself, kiddo."

Pau put his hands on his hips. "So, you're telling me that Edd can control plants and Tia can basically make whatever and do whatever?"

"Yup," (Y/N) said. "My big bro is a wexari."

Edd rubbed the back of his neck. "It's nothing much. I can only do stuff like this at the moment." He held his hand in front of him and a small rose bud sprouted from his hand, roots and all. Tom carefull took the bud and said,"That's my Eddy" and gave him a quick kiss.

That night, they all went to (Y/N) and Tord's house. Tia helped (Y/N) cook dinner while everyone else lounged in the living room. Hunter and Tord constantly went to check on Tia and (Y/N).

After dinner, (Y/N) connected her laptop to their TV and they did karaoke for what seemed like forever. Of course, Tom, Tord, Pau, and Pat got drunk. Tom and Edd did All Of Me by John Legend, Tord and Pau did The Wolf by Siame, and Pat went solo on Good For You from Dear Evan Hansen (wich wasn't a good idea because it's a four part song). Mason was dancing to the music even though he couldn't quite make out what they were singing.

Last was Tia and (Y/N). They both nodded to each other and (Y/N) clicked on a video.

Tia tapped her foot to the beat before starting off:
When you're low
And your knees can't rise
You feel helpless
And you're looking to the sky
Some people would say
To accept their fate
Well, if this is fate
Then we'll find a way to cheat

Then they switched and (Y/N) sang the next stanza:
'Cause, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh we'll say a little prayer
But, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh if the answer isn't fair

You know you can call on me
When you need somebody
You know you can call on me
When you can't stop the tears from falling down, down, down
You know you can call on me
Call on me, darling
You know you can call on me
Call on me, darling (call on me)

When you're weary
And the road is dark
And I'll guide you
With the beating of my heart
And if the cavalry
And the help don't come
Well, then we'll find a way
To dodge a smoking gun

'Cause, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh we'll say a little prayer
But, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh if the answer isn't fair (then call on me)

You know you can call on me
When you need somebody
You know you can call on me
When you can't stop the tears from falling down, down, down
You know you can call on me
Call on me, darling
You know you can call on me
Call on me, darling (call on me)

When you're, you need someone (just call on me)
You need somebody to cling to (call on me)
When you're, you need someone (just call on me)
You need somebody to dry your tears
When you're, you need someone (you can call me)
You need somebody to cling to (just call on me)

Just call on me, love (just call on me)
Just call on me, love (call on me)
Just call on me, love (just call on me)
Just call on me, love (call on me)
Just call on me, love, on me

Everyone clapped and the two playfully took a bow. Tord hugged (Y/N) and Hunter hugged Tia, making them both go 50 shades of red. (Y/N) and Tord chuckled at the scene.

Hunter folded his hands behind Tia's waist and Tia folded her hands behind his neck. They kissed for a long five seconds and everyone went wild!

"Called it!" Edd shouted.

Hunter and Tia took each other into another embrace before they split to talk to other people. Tia went straight to (Y/N) and she nudges her. "Way to go, Tiana!" (Y/N) shouted. "That's the Princess!"

Tia shook her head and said,"Just because my name means princes doesn't mean I am a princess."

"You are to Hunter!"

Too bad I gotta ruin this for them... (*SPITTAKE* FOURTH WALK BROKEN! HA!)


Alright, I have two ideas for this:

1. Timeskip to when Mason is 12 and he runs away like the reader or something like that...


2. We get Tia and Hunter together, let them have a kid, and end it there...


3. We just end it here.

If you guys have any other ideas, put them in the idea box.

¤ (<- Moths because it's empty? Idk)
[Idea Box]

Proxie Kan Geno

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