VII. New Power

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Carrie White

"Optimus!! Miko isn't with us!! She must have stowed away with you when you guys left!!" Ratchet exclaimed over the radio comm as Miko groaned.

"Understood. Bumblebee, is Miko with you??" We heard Optimus ask as I pressed the talk button.

"Yep, she's here and safe. What do we do with her??" I asked as Miko crossed her arms.

"She might as well remain with us. We can not have Megatron seeking our location to the base." Optimus replied as I hummed in understanding and hung up.

"You're lucky I wasn't your mom." I said as I sat back in my seat.

"Wh-" Miko was interrupted by a blast not even 3 feet away from them. The blast sent Bumblebee transforming and rolling on the ground while Miko and I fell to the ground.

"Miko!!" I shouted after my friend rolling near the edge of the cliff.

"Optimus, a Decepticon attacked us!! And not just any Decepticon at that." I said through the comm link as I met eyes with the Decepticon leader.

"Carrie!! Whatever you do, do not engage the enemy!! He will kill you!!" Optimus shouted as I quickly started backing away from the enemy and running towards Miko, who was nearly over the edge. Ignoring the pain in my ankle while doing so.

:*Carrie!!*: Bumblebee's call stopped me but it was already too late. I was kicked over the edge, along with Miko in my hand. We fell for what felt like hours before something caught and transformed into its alt mode. It was Optimus Fragging Prime.

"You two okay??" He asked through the radio as I looked over at the unconscious Miko landing on my lap.

"I am. But I don't think Miko is." I stated as Optimus picked up the speed and zoomed off to the top of the cliff, where there we both saw Bumblebee getting attacked by Megatron.

"What do you want me to do??" I asked as I held Miko and climbed out while Optimus transformed.

"Wait here. If I am hurt, you know what to do." He told me as I nodded and carried Miko to a safe place which was obviously behind a huge rock.

"Carrie..." Miko started to come to as I held her hand in comfort.

"Miko, hang in there. We'll be out of this soon." I stated more to myself as I looked past the rock and saw Optimus and Megatron battled. Bumblebee started getting up but failed multiple times.

"I have to do something." I said to myself as I thought long and hard.

"Your voice." I heard Miko say as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Remember when we had that talent show a couple months ago and when you sung, you made the lights go out then back on??" Miko asked weakly as I thought about it. That's it!! Thank you, Miko!!


"My name is Carrie White. I'm 14 and I am here to sing." I stated as I brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"Well, let's see what you got!!" The judge said cheerfully as I smiled and got ready.

I'm on your side,
Let's take this ride,
And together we're facing the world,
Doing things nobody's done before,
And the Great Divide,
Doesn't seem so wide, anymore

The lights blew out when a blue force was blasted out of me, which made me scream when it was pitch black. When the lights came back on, the judges had shocked and surprised expressions on their face. I grew red from embarrassment and ran off stage, crying my life away.

End of Flashback

I took deep breaths​ before walking out of our hiding spot.

Third Person

It was like slow motion. Optimus was down and Megatron was strolling towards him with his sword drew.

Just as Megatron held his sword up to destroy the line of Primes, something moved in the corner of his optic. He looked to his left to see a human femme approaching him, with the look of determination and willing in her eyes.

I know that I'm running out of time,
I want all mmm,
And wishing they stop trying to turn me off,
I want all mmm,
And I'm walking on a wire trying to go high,
Feels like surrounded by clowns and liars,
Even when I give all away,
I want it all mmm,
We can get them running, running, running,
We can get them running, running, running,

Megatron shot his blaster at the human, but it was quickly blocked by an invisible force around her. Optimus optics went wide when he saw this. Knowing that this is a power of Primus.

Just like fire,
burning up a way,
If I light the world up for just one day,
Watch this madness colorful charade,
No one can be just like me anyway,
Just like magic,
Imma be flying free,
I'mma disappear when they come for me,
I hit that ceiling,
What you gonna say??
No one can be just like me anyway,
Just like Fire,

Megatron was sent back into Optimus, both of them crashing into each other. Miko ran to the glowing light surrounding her friend, but stopped and covered her eyes when it got bright.

As the light fade, Carrie's hair was no longer a dark shade of red and blue, but a bright glittery red and blue and wore a pink glittery goddess dress. Both of the mechs sat up and looked towards the now bright human.(Picture above)

"Until next time, Primus' daughter!!" Megatron shouted to the bright Femme as she glared at him before the mech transformed and flew away. The moment he was out of sight, Carrie fainted from the energy she unleased. Sweat formed all over her body as Miko touched her forehead.

"She's gone into shock." Miko told Optimus as he nodded and picked the girl up.

"Miko, get in. We're heading back to the base."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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