Accidents Happen

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"Nice try, Hawk, but you're about to eat mat, mother trucker!"

You had no verbal filter. Everyone on the team knew that. After almost a year of training together, they were used to your bizarre outbursts and ridiculous exclamations. However, you grew up in a very religious, uptight household and despite distancing yourself from those beliefs years ago, old habits held strong. Such as your inability to curse like a normal person. Any response to excitement, pain, surprise, or fear resulted in a random phrase that usually began with the first syllable of the intended word.

"Kick his asteroid, Nat!"

The redhead rolled her eyes, but kept focus and had Clint on the mat in seconds.

You pumped your fists in the air with a triumphant yell, then approaching the mat in anticipation of your own sparring match. All training focus had dissolved, however, as the gym doors opened revealing Steve and a dark-haired stranger. Curiosity peaked as you joined the welcome crowd approaching the newcomer.  Shoulder-length hair covered his down-turned face, but the glint of a silver hand not covered by his left jacket sleeve explained all.

"It's Bucky!!" you whispered too loudly.

A pair of stunning blue eyes met yours, making you shrink back a little. Oops. Nat hooked an arm in yours and gave you an affectionate smile. Despite your oddities, Natasha loved you like a little sister.

Steve dropped his shield and helmet on the floor before presenting his childhood friend to the group.

"Everyone, this is Bucky. He'll be staying here for a while. It'll take some time for him to acclimate, so give him some room. We've got plenty of time for introductions later."

Steve led his friend through a side door towards the living quarters and disappeared. 

"Huh. He could use a haircut. And a shave," you said, dodging an elbow to the ribs from Nat.


Over the next few days, Steve made sure Bucky met everyone on the team but only 1 or 2 people at a time as to avoid overwhelming him. One morning you were bundled up on the couch with a bowl of cereal watching cartoons when you heard voices in the hallway approaching. Ever the snoop, you set down your breakfast, untangled yourself from the blankets and stood.

"...... that every day will get better, Buck. You have to give it time."

"I don't know, Steve. I don't like the stares and whispers. Maybe I shouldn't be here..."

"What, and go on the run again? No chance. You're lucky I found you first, pal. Look, let's get some breakfast and..."

Steve stopped short at seeing you standing in the living room.

"I was here first, so technically I wasn't eavesdropping." You blurted.

The muscular blonde raised an eyebrow in your direction, but still led his friend towards you.

"(Y/N), this is Bucky. Bucky, meet (Y/N)."

You stuck your hand out and received a firm shake and a tight smile from Bucky.

"Obviously I'm incapable of whispering, so you don't have to worry about that. As for staring, I make no promises." You stated with a smile.

A look of surprise graced the handsome brunette's face, followed by a sideways glance to Steve.

"She's fine. Her mouth just runs ahead of her brain sometimes. Or all the time," Steve said with a smile.

You scowled at the accusation.

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